Chapter 2: Consequences of Those Rash Decisions

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He tasted like candy and sugar. He had frozen at first, but once he understood what Ella was doing, he kissed her back. He was a good kisser.

She pulled away when she remembered where she was, seeing as Calum would have gotten the message that she had found someone else.  

His friend wolf whistled and she took a couple of steps back.

"Usually I get a girl's number before we make out." He said, seemingly not fazed by her kiss at all.

She looked back and Calum was gone. Sam was standing there with her mouth wide open at the scene in front of her.

She looked back at the boys and suddenly felt really embarrassed by her foolish move.

"Uh..sorry I just - I needed to do that because -." She didn't even know what she was saying.

"Hey, I completely understand, girls always feel the need to get some of this." He gestured to his body and his friends laughed.  

He pulled out a Sharpie from the side of his backpack, took off the lid and held it between his straight white teeth. He grabbed her arm and scrawled a number on the inside.

"Next time you need an emergency make out session," he was already starting to walk away and he put his hand up to his ear and made the phone hand signal.

"Call me." He mouthed before walking away with his friends who were had already started talking amongst themselves as if nothing had happened.

Ella walked back to Sam with her head in the clouds.

"I can't believe you did that!" Sam yelled in her ear. She couldn't believe it either, she had never been that daring.

"Did Calum see us?" Ella had only kissed the guy for that reason.

"See you? Girl, he stared at you! That's his problem though, we don't give a shit about him anymore."

Ella was relieved even though she oddly didn't feel any satisfaction. Maybe she really had gotten over Calum. Sam wouldn't stop talking about the boy who's name they didn't even know so they went home a while later and made a date to meet up tomorrow for breakfast. Ella washed off the guys number and decided that what happened in Disneyland, stays in Disneyland. 

The rest of the summer passed by and soon it was their first day of senior year, Sam was coming over so her and Ella could go to school together; Ella shared a car with her older brother, Michael and he had the car for today (she was saving up for her own car, working at a popular cafe called 'Coffee Jungle'). Michael was a little more than a year older than her but she had started kindergarten a year earlier, at the same time as him, so they were in the same grade.

She put on a white t-shirt, jean shorts and sneakers. Sam pulled into her driveway , she hopped in and they were on their way to another blessed year of high school.

Every high school had its stereotypes and groups. Fincher High? Oh boy, did Ella's school have stereotypes, there were the jocks and cheerleaders, the smart kids, the musically talented and many more. Ella was the school mascot. Lord knows how she got herself in that position, Sam dared her to sign up and the sports teams 'liked her physique' and voted her in.

Little did they know she would be wearing a giant bear costume, which was the school mascot, and they wouldn't see her physique at all.

Ella and Sam had gotten their schedules in the summer and they had five out of eight classes together. They had chemistry class first period with Ms. Perkins.

Ella, like most of the student body, hated Ms. Perkins. She was mean and never remembered anyone's name.

Ella and Sam got there before the bell and sat at the very back where Ms. Perkins wouldn't bother them as much. The bell rang and Ella almost had a heart attack when freaking Calum Edwards walked into the class with Raphael Garcia, one of Michael's friends. Raphael waved at her and she waved back. Calum didn't even glance at her, it was like she never existed.

Jessica Birmings, who was on the cheerleading team with Sam, sat in front of them and turned around, excitement clear on her face.

"Did you girls hear?" She started. "There's this new guy in our grade, he just moved here and he's really hot!"

"Where do you even hear things like this?" Sam said.

"I volunteer putting up posters in the office and I saw him come and get his schedule. Girls, I would ride that boy into the sunset."

Ella laughed but stopped short when Ms. Perkins walked into the class with her head held high and the usual sneer on her face. There was a student following behind her.

Sam elbowed Ella hard in the ribs and gasped, at the same time Jessica whispered,
"It's him! The hot new guy."

Ella almost had a heart attack for the second time right then and there.

It was the boy from Disneyland.

i'm excited for tonight's episode of teen wolf so i probably won't update today, until next time

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