Chapter 8: Trouble & Tingles

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Ella was going to kill Mike. That was the only solution. She was going to pummel his ass. She had woken up that morning and realized he'd left her at home and took the car to school without waking her up.

Her parents weren't home and Sam wasn't picking up the phone. So, she had to walk to school in the hot California weather and she was going to kill Mike for it.

She walked out of her house and locked the door behind her, ready to start the 30 minute walk to hell. 

Ella had been walking for 10 minutes and she already wanted to melt into the ground. She heard a car honk behind her and turned to see Luke's car. He slowed the car down beside her and motioned for her to get in. She didn't even hesitate before opening the door and letting herself into the cool car. 

"God fucking bless you." She said.

He chuckled. "It's hot as hell outside, where's Mike? Why were you walking?"

"His stupid ass left me home and took the car with him." She replied, putting her seatbelt on as he drove faster.

"Your brother's a dick. You should've called me, I would've picked you up. You can always call me when you need something, Bennett." He said, glancing at her when they stopped at a red light. His sentence made her feel good inside.

"I don't have your number." She voiced, shrugging.

"Yes you do. I gave it to you after you attacked my mouth at Disneyland." He said, grinning at her before the light turned green again.

"I didn't attack your mouth! You're the one who kissed me back so easily." She argued.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. But back to the topic at hand, you have my number." He declared, finalizing the topic of her attacking his mouth.

"I rubbed it off my arm, did you think I would actually keep some random guy's number?" She questioned.

"Well you kissed some random guy, so yes." An infuriating smirk took over his lips as his eyes stayed on the road.

"Luke!" She yelled indignantly.

They bickered like this until they arrived at the school. He parked before she grabbed her bag, got out and shut the door behind her.

"Thank you so much for the ride, Luke." She smiled softly at him.

"Don't mention it." He winked at her, and they walked into the building, each going their opposite directions to their lockers.

Sam ambushed her at her locker. "Who the fuck did you just walk in with? Was that Luke? It was, wasn't it? You said he wasn't your type."

"Your dumbass wouldn't pick up your phone so he gave me a ride to school." Ella said, unimpressed at Sam's words.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry, I had practice this morning. Tiffany has been a bitch about being early." She sounded sincere and didn't bring up Luke again as they walked to chemistry.

Organic chemistry was the worst thing that ever happened to Ella. That's what went through her head when she trudged into class with Sam on her heels. 

"Attention everyone!" Ms. Perkins' annoying voice cut through the chatter in the classroom when the bell rang. "We will be completing a lab today with partners." Ella and Sam instantly made eye contact. "I will be assigning your partners." They  both sighed and looked away.

Ms Perkins spent the next five minutes going through names and assigning partners. 

"Eleanor Bennett," Ella perked up. "...and Luke Parker." Dammit.

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