Chapter 22: Date

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a/n hi haha this is short just an intro for next chapter

Ella was sound asleep when she felt something freezing cold, traveling down her face, into her tank top. She jolted wide awake, not even registering the warm, strong arms wrapped around her pulling away as Luke jumped away from her.

"What the fuck!" He yelled, while her vision focused on Lucifer himself; Mike and his sidekick from hell, Jake standing over them, each holding glasses, of what she assumed was ice cold water, that they had poured on her and Luke.

Jake was laughing so hard, he fell on the ground, choking as Mike slapped his back.

Luke surveyed them with his calculating brown eyes, before bursting out laughing himself. Ella was pissed.

"Hey lovebirds!" Mike sang loudly, when they calmed down.

"Fuck you." Ella grumbled.

"Damn. Are you sure you wanna be with The Grinch over here, Luke?" Jake whispered to Luke, although everyone heard him.

Ella elbowed him, shoving past them both to go to the bathroom. They had ruined her perfect night with Luke.

When she came back, Luke was headed downstairs. 

"Bye, El!" He winked up at her, his shirt was rumpled but he looked flawless as usual. She rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the bubble of affection that pooled in her stomach.


Ella was in a bad mood the entire school day. It was her time of the month and it was totally killing her whole vibe; she didn't wanna see anyone.

She had her head on her forearms in the library at lunch when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up, sleepily, ready to bitch at whoever disturbed her, but paused when she saw Luke's curious brown stare. 

Well, here come those familiar butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

His eyebrows were scrunched adorably, as he was lent over her, his black backpack on one shoulder, as if he was about to put it down next to her. He had a lollipop stick hanging out of his pretty mouth.

"Are you good, princess? You look like shit." He said bluntly, eyeing her outfit. 

Well, the butterflies just left.

Ella put her head back in her forearms; the last thing she needed was the boy she liked telling her she looked bad. She already knew leggings, Mike's old sweater, and messy hair weren't a good look on her, but it wasn't like she cared. 

He chuckled, "I'm just kidding, El." He nudged her up gently. "Come on, we're going. I'll cheer you up." 

She looked up with a questioning look, shrugging his arm off. "Going where? We have class." 

"So? You've never skipped class?" He said, naturally.

She pondered over that. She used to skip class all the time with Thomas to go graffiti their old mayor's house because of his racist ideologies. Her parents were never home to get the school's calls.

She gathered her stuff, and Luke extended an hand to help her up. It was warm and way bigger than hers, his touch causing a fire in her stomach.

She couldn't help but frown when he pulled his hand out of her's to hold onto his backpack straps on his shoulders as he trailed in front of her.

He lead them out of the library, ducking past the class they had when the bell rang, signaling that that should be their destination. 

He tossed the lollipop stick in the garbage bin at the exit.

She sent a quick text to Alexis to send her the notes; hers were the neatest.

As they approached Luke's car, he opened the passenger door for her, before heading to the drivers side, twirling his keys as he went. He seemed to be in a good mood. 

As he pulled out of the driveway, he casually put his hand, palm up, in the middle compartment between them. 

Ella frowned. Did he want to hold her hand? 

She shook her head; probably not. She glanced at him and was surprised to see a pout on his face; his lips pulled down adorably. 

"Hold my hand." He demanded, childishly. 

Oh. Maybe he did want to.

She gently placed her hand in his, looping their fingers together softly, and he squeezed her hand. 

Her heart squeezed with that simple action. She suddenly wanted to kiss him. He was so addicting.

"Where are we going?" She asked, to distract herself from the memories of his lips on hers.

"On our first date." Luke said, nonchalantly, turning on his left signal. 

If Ella was drinking water she would've spat it all out, "What? Since when? You didn't even ask me." She said indignantly. 

"Ella Bennett. Would you do me the honour of going on a date with me?" He asked, turning to grin at her as he stopped at a red light.

"I-" She started. This was unexpected. 

"Yeah." Ella spoke before her mind even registered what she was saying. Of course she wanted to go on a date him! He was Luke! Her Luke.


She couldn't help but smile.  

a/n next chapter in like an hour 

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