Chapter 12: Well, this is awkward

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After her shift ended, Ella went into the bathroom and put on some mascara and lip gloss. She was in the same clothes she wore to school; blue jeans, cuffed at the bottom, a red tank top, and her white Air Forces. She tied her hair up into a high pony-tail, and went outside.

Luke's car pulled in front of her just as she took out her phone to text him. He was blasting Drake's new song.

She opened the passenger seat and got in.


He turned down the music and smiled at her "Hey." He said.

"So I heard you were talking about me today?" He started.

"I hate our school." She groaned. "How does everyone know everything?"

He shrugged. "I think it's funny. The guys on the team are really protective of you."

"Yeah, they've all been friends since we were freshmen, they used to always be at my house with Mike, and somehow I became close with all of them." She smiled, she really did love the guys on the team.

"They wanted to know when we kissed so I told them." She said

"Oh, okay." They drove in silence, with his music on in the back. His playlist was all R&B or hip hop, the same music that Mike liked.

She opened her mouth to talk when Loyalty by Kendrick Lamar finished.

"Is there-" She stopped when she heard the familiar music of the next song.

"I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardiga-" He turned off the music.

Ella started laughing. "Was that Miley Cyrus?"

"Shut up." He said, getting defensive. "It's a good song." She could see his cheeks turn pink, as he pouted his full lips.

"Are you blushing?" She reached over and pinched his cheek.

"No." He swatted her hand as if she were a fly, as she laughed. This continued for a while.

"We're here." He pulled in to Ethan's drive-way and they walked up to the house.

Ethan opened the door, "Hey man." He said to Luke, then he saw Ella.

He froze and his eyes widened. "Oh. Ella. I didn't know you were coming. Uh." He looked behind him and looked back at them. "Actually man, can you go get us some chips and soda?" He asked Luke, clearly trying to get a message across.

"Yeah, bro. Ella you can go in, I'll be back in a few."

"No. I mean, Ella should go with you. You know, uh, just in case you get lost." Ethan stuttered.

Luke looked at him weirdly. "What's going on?" He pushed past him and led Ella into the living room.

"Oh." She said when she saw who was there. "Well, this is awkward."

Lewis and Omar were sitting on the couches each holding a Playstation remote, playing some game. Three girls Ella didn't know were there too. And on the other side of the room sat Raphael, and Calum.

Calum stood up when he saw her. "Eleanor." He said.

She cringed. She hated when people called her that. He walked towards her. Luke turned to glare at Ethan. "What the fuck bro?" He whispered.

"I tried to warn you!" He whispered back. "Sorry, Ella." He looked at her apologetically.

Calum had reached them now. "Can we talk?"

She shrugged. It was about time. "Sure."

He led her to the kitchen, after she reassured Luke that it was fine. He still followed them with her eyes, making her feel weird.

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