Chapter 17: Failed Avoidances part 2

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Ella tried entering the house quietly, but being the unlucky person she is, she tripped over nothing and crashed into the floor.

Her mom came out of the living room at the sound.

"Ella? Hi baby. How is Sam?"

"She's good. She says hi." Ella answered. Her and her mom had a weirdly formal relationship. They were never close and their talks usually felt like a business transaction.

She went upstairs after an awkward conversation, closing her door and jumping into bed.

Her heart started to beat fast as she replayed the days events in her head. She had kissed Luke. It wasn't their first kiss, but it felt so much different to the one they shared during the summer.  And she knew why.

She had feelings for him. The kiss they shared had confirmed that the weirdness and the butterflies he gave her weren't just from an attraction, she had a crush.

She squealed. Her door flew open then, Mike strolling in. His phone was in his hand, he turned it to her, and Jake's face flashed across it on FaceTime.

"Hey El! How was your date?" Jake asked. "Mike and I have been waiting."

She rolled her eyes. "It wasn't a date. Get out." She told Mike. She needed time to process her revelation alone.

"Fine." He grumbled. "I'm gonna snitch on you next time." He stuck his tongue out.

"And I'll tell mom all those nights you were 'volunteering' you were actually getting shitfaced at parties." She said smugly.

"Fuck you." He left her room, Jake laughing on the phone, having heard their conversation.

She called Sam.

"Hey bitch. I miss you!" Sam started talking immediately. "I haven't seen you in forever, we need to hang out soon."

Ella proceeded to tell her all about the night, confessing about her feelings for Luke.

"AHHHH! I knew it!" Sam shrieked in her ear.

"Don't tell anyone! He probably doesn't feel the same." Ella said.

"Girl. Every girl in our grade has been on his ass since he moved here. He literally only has eyes for you. Kelly was the only girl he's even gone near other than you, and she told me all they did was make out."  Sam berated her.

"How are things with you and Ahmed?" Ella asked.

"Oh, we're just friends for now. I don't really like him anymore. Do you remember his friend, Carlos?"


"I think he's into me, I'm about to go through the friend group."

Ella burst out laughing.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Ella went to sleep feeling good that night. She was excited to see Luke on Monday.

****On Monday****

Ella dressed in her usual jeans and t shirt for school, she curled her hair and applied mascara and lip gloss. She wanted to look nice.

As she got her books from her locker, she saw Luke coming in her direction from her peripheral vision. Her mouth grew into a large grin.

His eyes stayed staring ahead, not even glancing at her, as he passed by her locker and continued walking.

The smile slipped right off her face and she felt her chest tighten. 

She walked into chemistry as Ms. Perkins announced that they were doing another lab so they have to sit with their previously assigned lab partners. Of course. 

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