Chapter 9: Wet

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"Shit!" Ella exclaimed after looking at the straw she'd pulled from Jacob's fist. She quickly analyzed Sam's, Mike's and Jacob's before determining that she had drawn the shortest straw.  

"Yes!" Jacob cheered, high-fiving Mike. "El's the DD!" 

She scowled at him. The four of them did this every time there was a party; the one who drew the shortest straw was the designated driver. 

The football game was on Thursday, so the pre-game party was that Saturday. Dylan Hughes, one of Mike's friends, always threw a house party the weekend before a game to "get his boys hyped and ready to beat the other team." This was code for "let's fuck up our liver and say it was for a good cause."

It was always fun, and something crazy always happened at Dylan's parties. He also had a pool, which was a win. The four of them sat down and watched the first Captain America movie before Sam and Ella went upstairs to get ready. 

Sam put on a t-shirt and shorts over her red one-piece swimsuit while Ella did the same with her black halter two-piece. 

Sam grabbed two towels and threw them in her bag while Ella put on some waterproof mascara and put her hair up in a pony tail.

They trekked downstairs where the guys were already waiting. 

"Ok let's go bitches!" Jordan said before grabbing Ella's shoulders and leading her to the car, stumbling twice. 

"Did you already drink?" She scrunched up her nose at him. He winked at her and they all got in the car. 

Dylan lived 10 minutes away, in a secluded house, which was good because there would be no neighbors to report the loud party. Mike and Jacob got out of the car before she had even parked, and waved goodbye at her. 

"Ugh. I don't want to be here." Ella moaned as they made it to the door. 

"You're just mad that you're the designated driver." Sam laughed at her.

The second they got into Dylan's huge mansion of a house, the smell of alcohol and weed, and the sound of loud music invaded Ella's senses. She was greeted by a lot of people as they walked into the kitchen. Sam got a drink and Ella poured some ginger-ale for herself. 

"I'm gonna go find Jessica, I'll meet you back here in 20?" Sam asked Ella. 


Great, now she was on her own. She took out her phone and texted Thomas. 

Ella: this party would be so much funner if u were here 

Tom: Maaaan is it Dylan's? I miss that guy he's insane 

Tom: Did Sam ditch?

Ella: yeah 

Tom: Go find someone to hook up with 

Ella: i hate u 

Tom: ;) Just messin with u. Go talk to someone so you don't look awkward. I gotta go xx

Ella: bye <3

He was right. She went to the bathroom and slipped out of her clothes then went outside, where most of the people were. There was some people in the pool but a lot of people were loitered around the rest of the backyard, drinking, and playing beer pong. She jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder. 

"Hey! Didn't mean to scare you." Lewis gave her a big smile, it was actually really nice, and he was hot.

"It's fine, what's up?" She smiled at him and tucked a piece of hair behind her head. 

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