Chapter 4: Failed Avoidances

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"I heard you had a thing going with that new kid, Luke?" Michael started talking when they were inside the car.

"Jacob is a liar, I just showed him to class." She said.

"Well he tried out for the football team today and he was pretty damn good, I think coach is gonna put him on the team."

"Great, another person on the team that pisses me off."

Mike chuckled, "careful Ells, the school mascot is supposed to be cheering on the team, not getting pissed off by them."

They got home and Ella went straight upstairs. 

The next week went by fast, she was getting settled back into school, she liked her classes, and she worked mostly night shifts at The Coffee Jungle

Luke had now joined the football team and was one of the best quarterbacks Fincher ever had (and the most arrogant). They had a game coming up in a month and Mike always had the car because he was at the field practicing whenever he could. Calum had stopped talking to her altogether and she had done her best to avoid Luke, even through he annoyed her at every opportunity he had.

It was Friday during fourth period when the avoiding didn't go so well.
She was walking back to class from the bathroom, humming to herself and looking at her phone. Sam had snapchatted her pictures of Dylan, the cute jock in her biology class and she was in the middle of putting tongue emojis on the selfie she was sending back when she heard a thud from the janitor's closet she was passing by.

Luke stumbled out after two seconds, his t shirt was rumpled, his belt buckle open, hair messed up and lipstick stains all over his neck that trailed down his shirt.

Kelly Smith, one of Sam's friends strutted out after, adjusting her hair. She was in a daze and was fixing her skirt.

Luke looked like a mess (a really hot mess) and Ella loved the idea of having something on him so, since she was already on snapchat, she put her phone up and snapped a picture.

He looked up sharply at the click of the camera. 

"What did you just do?" He said suspiciously.

She grinned at him, "absolutely nothing." 

She flashed him her phone and he saw the picture.

"I know I'm the hottest guy you've ever seen but taking pictures of me in this vulnerable state is a bit cruel isn't it? Delete that." There was mirth and amusement in his eyes even though his tone was deadly.

"Make me, Parker." She used his last name.

"Oh I think I will, Bennett." He smirked at her.

She pointed behind him, "look it's your big, fat ego!" When she saw him turn she bolted.

She ran down the hallway laughing when she heard him start running too. She was right at the girls bathroom when he caught her around the waist, he pulled her back and spun her around.

"Got you." He muttered and her eyes dropped down to his lips. They turned up into a satisfied smirk when he realized where she was looking. He leaned in and Ella thought he was going to kiss her, but his lips went right to her ear and he whispered,
"Are you gonna kiss me again, Bennett? "

"You wish."

"I really do."

Their moment was interrupted by the bell going off and students rushing out of their classes. She shoved Luke away and went back to art to collect her things.

That day she had to wait in the bleachers for Mike to finish practice with the team; the coach was working the team to the ground because of the upcoming game and unfortunately, Ella was suffering from it too. Sam had spare last period and went home early so she had to wait for Mike for a ride. 

She was sketching out the field in her notebook when she heard someone yell "hey best kisser I know!" She looked up and Luke was waving at her, holding his helmet in the other hand. The rest of the team was looking at her now and she felt so exposed, she was going to kill Luke.

Practice ended around four and Ella went and waited at the car for Mike. 

She was waiting for fifteen minutes when she realized something was wrong; Mike took a very short time to get ready. She was going to go see what was taking so long when she saw him storming out of the school with Jacob next to him.

He got into the car and slammed the door after him without even looking at her.

"What's gotten into him?" She asked Jacob.

"You know how he is when it comes to you and guys."

She blanched. Was this about what Luke said?

She got into the front seat and hadn't even put on her seat belt when Mike started driving.

She noticed that his knuckles on the steering wheel were bruised.

"Mike, you didn't."

He ignored her.

"Please tell me you didn't punch Luke because of what he said. "

"I didn't punch Luke because of what he said." He repeated in the exact same tone, his lips turning up at the corners.

"Mike! You had no right to punch him! He was kidding around!"

"He can kid around with someone other than my baby sister."

He pulled into their driveway.

"Michael! When you accept that I'm my own person and you can't go around punching people for my sake, come and tell me that." She got out of the car without a glance back knowing that Mike would come apologize within the next twenty-four hours; he couldn't live when she was mad at him.

a/n not much went on here but !! i'm unproductive af so idk when i'll write next :(

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