Chapter 24: It's not your fault

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hi, i actually have more chapters of this story written ive just been embarrassed to post them bc i wrote them so long ago. but since a few people asked me to finish it ill just post them. enjoy.

a/n tw vague description of domestic + child abuse (i wrote this when i was 15 and didnt really know how to write abuse but im not in the right headspace to edit it sorry)


Over the next couple of days it was approaching winter exams at school so most of the seniors were swamped with studying. Ella hadn't left her room in a few hours, as she had been cramming.

It was 3 AM and she was grinding out some extra math practice problems, when she heard something at her window.

She listened again, as a rock landed on the glass. She walked over slowly, lifting it up, and was surprised to see Luke standing outside her house, with a handful of rocks. He waved at her, pointing to the front door. What the hell.

She walked down, opening the door, letting him in with a "Shhh!" because her parents were home and asleep.

They tip toed back to her room, and he flopped back onto her bed.

"Why are you here?" She wondered out loud. He was in dark jeans and a black t- shirt. He looked sinfully attractive as always; his dark eyes slightly glistening, and his full bottom lip between his teeth as if he was deep in thought.

"I want to tell you something." He said.

"Why didn't you just text me?"

"This is more romantic." He winked at her.

She said nothing, leaning forwards on her desk chair, as he sat across from her on the edge of her bed, the inside of his long legs slightly touching the outside of hers.

"Elijah told me that the reason I've been avoiding telling you about my life is because I'm afraid you'll leave me. So I'm sorry. And I do wanna share my life with you, I'm just scared." He confessed, nervously.

Ella suddenly had a newfound appreciation for Elijah.

Luke laid back on the bed, throwing his forearm over his face. She waited patiently.

"My dad is a powerful man." He began, after a long sigh.

"Owns a thriving business, swimming in money and connections. Everyone respects him too. Damien Parker."

Ella's eyes widened. She recognized that name; he was well known for his business company: Parker Inc.

"You'd think all of the money and riches would make him content. But he always wanted more. My mom had me when they were both young. She says Damien was once a caring man who loved her, but I don't believe it." His mouth turned down.

"He hit her." He said, weakly. Ella felt her heart tug.

"She tried to hide it but I saw the bruises and I heard the screaming. She tried to run. A couple of times I remember her waking me up at night, with packed bags and money. But every single time, without fail, he found us. He's a powerful man." He repeated that line with a shudder.

"I guess somewhere along the way he got bored with her." There was a clear meaning behind those words.

"That's why I flinch. He rarely did hit me; my mom was always there, dodging him, or locking me in my room. But he did get a few beatings in when she wasn't around. She tried reaching out to people, but my dad had manipulated her into losing the majority of her friends. She had no one but me.

By the time I was fourteen, I had started standing up to him. So it was a cycle of my mom begging him not to touch me, and me fighting him so he wouldn't touch my mom. The last time I remember her trying to escape was when I was fifteen. He dragged us back, and beat the living shit out of me. She didn't try again after that." His hand tightened into a fist as he said that.

"I got a rep for being bad in school; they thought all the bruises and absences were due to fighting. The only ones who knew the truth were my close friends. You met them.

One time a teacher called in social services. They came to do an inspection, but my dad pulled some strings and no one tried to investigate again. That's when I made a plan of my own. I'd seen my mom rip herself apart trying to leave him. Now it was my turn.

Last summer he took me to a conference with some of the very important men he works with. He wanted me to work for his company, the minute I turn eighteen.

I met basically all his companions, a lot were good men too. And then I told him that if he ever touched my mom or I again, I would destroy his reputation, and everything he had worked so hard to build. No one ever believed my mom. But they would believe me. It's sickening to say that, but it's the truth. And my dad knew it too.

I blackmailed the fuck out of him, and he finally let my mom get a divorce. He started throwing money at us too, telling me he would give me anything I wanted, not because he loves me, but for his own good. Hence, the car and the big house.

That was in May. We moved into an apartment and we were finally okay. I met you in July, then in August my mom decided our town reminded her too much of Damien. So we moved. He paid for everything."

Ella was speechless. This caring, funny, compassionate boy had been through hell. She pushed herself closer to him, and looped her fingers through his. He tried to pull away at first, but she tightened her hold, and he squeezed her hand back.

"I'm sorry that all happened to you. You didn't deserve any of it. It wasn't your fault." Ella whispered, sincerely in a soft voice.

"I know." He said and she heard a sniffle. She moved from her position and laid her body on him, placing her head on his chest, and keeping her hand in his. His grip was tight.

"I don't like depending on his money. I know that fucker owes me my entire childhood, but other than the car I'll never take a cent from him. The second this year's done I'm selling that car and donating all of the proceeds to charity. Fuck him and his money." He said, his voice cracking at the end.

"You deserve the world, Luke." She whispered, her heart heavy. "Your mom does too. I'm sorry that your dad was so cruel, and I'm relieved you both escaped him."

He slowly pulled his arm off his face.

They say that the eyes are a window to the soul, and Ella truly believed it in that moment; as she stared into Luke's teary eyes, full of compassion and tenderness, regardless of the suffering he had endured at his young age, she knew that this boy owned her heart.

She hoped he would be careful with it.

a/n i started writing a story for elijah. it is set in the future in college and i really like what i have so far. its called 'loving carter' if u want to check it out. 

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