Chapter 15: Jake

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It had been two weeks since the Fincher's win, as well as the party. Luke hadn't made an effort to talk to Ella at all, she even felt as though he was avoiding her. She caught him looking at her a few times during chemistry, and sometimes in the cafeteria. She shrugged it off. 

She had been spending her time drawing and applying to colleges, she dreamed of getting into the University of the Arts, in London, no matter how unrealistic it was. 

She was currently grocery shopping, she had planned an elaborate Friday night of binging How to Get Away with Murder, as well as eating her weight in ice-cream and oreos. Jess and Alexis were also joining her.

She picked them up on her way, trying to drive carefully as they blasted Nicki Minaj's new song. When they arrived at her house, she lead them inside, surprised to see Jake lying on her couch as if he owned the place, his earphones in.

"Where's Mike?" She threw a pillow on him, jolting him in an upright position. 

"He got a booty call and left me here alone." Jake groaned, throwing the pillow back. 

Jess squealed, breaking one of Ella's eardrums. "Yay! You can hang out with us!" 

Ella rolled her eyes. "We're about to binge How to Get Away with Murder, you down?" 

"Viola Davis? Fuck yeah, I'm down, she's a bad bitch." 

Ella agreed. Alexis opened her tiny purse, somehow pulling out pyjamas for both her, and Jess, as well as four bottles of nail polish, a nail filer, makeup wipes, a whole banana, a bag of popcorn, scissors, and a bottle of Chanel perfume. 

She looked up to find the three of them with their mouths open. 

"I- How the fuck did you fit all that into your bag?" Jacob said, incredulously. "Are you Hermione?" 

Ella's heart warmed for a second at the Harry Potter reference. She had begged Mike to read the books in middle school so she could talk to someone about it, but he refused on the premise that "Ella, movies were created to make books extinct. It's natural selection, who am I to doubt nature?" Jake had read them instead, for her, which made her treasure his friendship even more.

Alexis shrugged then. "I'm a witch. Anyways, put the show on, I'm gonna go change."

Halfway through the season, Jake was sitting across Ella on the couch, with her feet in his lap, while Alexis and Jess laid on the floor.

One hour later they were all on the floor, Jess had fallen asleep with her head on Ella's shoulder.

By the time it was 2 AM, Ella was laid down on her stomach painting Jake's fingernails a bright sparkly orange, while Alexis curled his hair.  

"What're you doing tomorrow night, El?" Alex asked, brushing through Jake's now curled locks. 

"Uh, nothing , why?" 

"Dev and I are going bowling, wanna come?"

"I don't wanna third wheel." Ella sighed, "The last time I went somewhere with you guys, you made out in my backseat for the entire ride."

Alexis rolled her eyes, "bring someone then." Her eyes brightened then, "You should bring Luke!" 

Ella could literally see Jake's ears perk up as if he were a dog. "Yeah. Bring Luke. We can see what he thinks of a double date." 

"It wouldn't be a date, just a hang out." Alexis butted in.

She considered it. She did genuinely like his company. "Ok, fine. I'll ask him. You know I suck at bowling though." Ella reminded them. 

They suddenly heard the front door unlock. Jake attempted to jump back from the girls, but not before Mike entered and saw the scene in front of him; Jake having his nails painted, and his hair curled as if he were a doll.  

He burst out laughing, "Jake. Man. You need to get laid." 

"Shut up." Jake pouted. 

As Mike came closer, he bent down surveying Jake's sparkly nails, "Yo, that colour is nice, do mine next El!" He kicked off his shoes and sat next to her, sticking his fingers out. 

Ella shoved him away, "Wait your turn!"

"How was your booty call?" Alexis asked. 

"Eh. It was alright." Mike shrugged. 

Ella cringed, hearing about her brother's dating life made her understand why he tried so hard to keep guys away from her. Gross. 

She decided not to tell him that she would be going on what he would definitely classify as a double date.


this chapter is basically just a short filler. more el + luke next chapter

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