Chapter 24: Lucia Flores

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Ella knew that no matter how much pain she felt over Luke's story, she couldn't allow it to treat him differently. He would hate her for that. So they stayed in their bubble, acting as friends in public but kissing and doing more in the privacy of her room.

Fincher had another winning game, but instead of going to the party that inevitably ensued afterwards, her group decided to get ice cream instead.

She, Sam, and Jess followed Dylan's car as he drove Mike, Jake to the Dairy Queen close to their school. They were a big group but she loved them all.

She was in the middle of eating her vanilla cone when she got a text.

luke: Do you wanna come over?

ella: are u not at devon's party?

luke: Why would I go to a party if you're not there

Ella's cheeks heated at that message. She looked up at her friends, who were trying to convince Jake to dip his ice cream in ketchup, before texting back.

ella: i cant. maybe later tonight?

She would never leave her friends to go see a boy.

luke: Sure

As they finished their ice cream it wasn't too late at night. She was in the backseat of Jake's car as he drove her and Mike home.

"Um, Jake?" She said, uncertainly.

He looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"Can you drop me at Luke's house?" She asked, nicely. Jake's eyes flashed to her brother, for his approval.

Mike whipped around, suspiciously. "What is he to you?" He asked.

Ella looked out the window, irritated with the question, as she didn't know the answer herself.

"He's just special to me, okay?" She said, bluntly, looking back at him.

Mike stared into her eyes for a few seconds, looking for the meaning of those words. His eyes narrowed infinitesimally, then he leaned back, nodding as if he had found what he was looking for.

"If he's special to you, then he's special to me." He decided. "We'll drop you off." He said, giving a clear signal to his best friend.

She gave them the address and Jake dutily dropped her off, waiting to see her go in before reversing and driving away.

Her heart swelled for her brother as she stalked up to Luke's door.

She knocked, expecting a tall figure, dark and handsome figure to answer.

Her eyes widened when a beautiful, delicate-looking woman with a dark complexion opened the door. She was shorter than Ella but clearly older. She looked to be in her thirties but Ella couldn't be sure.

Ella knew right away from those dark, kind eyes, who this woman was. Her heart tugged at the thought of what she had been through.

"Hi. I'm Ella. I'm here for Luke?" She said politely, hoping Luke would come to greet her.

The lady's eyes widened, and Ella swore that she had a mischievous look in her eyes, one she had seen many times in Luke.

"Dios mío! Come in sweetheart." Her voice was soft, like music, as she grabbed Ella and ushered her into the home as if it was her own.

"I'm Lucia Flores." She introduced herself with a big, warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you Ms Flores, I-" Ella spoke"

"No! Call me Lucia, sweetheart." The lady interrupted her. I've heard a lot about you, Ella, dear."

Ella's eyebrows shot up "You have?"

"Oh yes," Lucia smirked. Her mannerisms resembled Luke greatly, even her body language and the way she held herself

"My son came home like a love-sick puppy a few weeks ago. I knew instantly it was over a girl." Lucia reached out and held Ella's hand. "After some tricks and incessant begging he told me your name!"

Ella was bright red. Did he talk about her to his mom?

"My boy has been through a great deal. It's my fault, but he deserves happiness. I know friends like you are perfect for him." Lucia put an emphasis on the word 'friends' as if she knew they were much more.

At that moment, Luke stalked down the stairs, in the middle of texting on his phone.

He glanced up, before doing a double-take.

"Bennett?" He questioned, his eyes going from her to her hand in his mom's hand.

His eyes narrowed suspiciously, "moooooom!" He whined like a kid. "What did you tell her?"

Ella couldn't believe her ears. He sounded like a five-year-old.

"Nothing," She said, and Ella could see the adoration in her eyes at the sight of her son. 

"No me avergüences mamá en realidad me gusta esta chica!" He rushed out, quickly approaching them, grabbing Ella and gently dragging her after him up the stairs.

Ella waved goodbye at his mom as they departed, and her laughter followed them up the stairs.

a/n once again I wrote this when I was younger sorry if there are any mistakes! also haha 6.9k reads? nice 

read my story on elijah on my profile!!!! its much better I promise <333

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