Chapter 21: Home alone

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It had been a week since Ella met Luke's friends. She was at work when Lewis walked in and approached her.

"Hey, babe." She inwardly cringed at his words. "Can I get a black coffee, and you on a date?"

"Um," She didn't know what to say. She liked going on dates and Lewis was cute, but she had a thing with Luke. They weren't dating or exclusive, and the last time they made out was twelve days ago (no, she hadn't been counting), but did that mean she could go on dates with other people?

"Sorry. I'm seeing someone." She said, apologetically.

"Oh," He frowned. "That's okay. You're out of my league but I thought I'd give it a shot."

Ella chuckled. "I'm not out of you're league. We could still be friends if you want?" She asked, nicely.

He smiled, genuinely. "I'd like that." He paid and left with his coffee. Ella was relieved; usually guys didn't handle rejection that well, so she was thankful.

She got home late after closing the cafe. No one was home so she called her mom; it went to voice mail. She pulled up Mike's contact.

ella: hey wya

He replied after two minutes.

mike: im at devon's. he says hi. mom n dad in boston for some conference idk, dont wait up im gonna be late tn

ella: ok, love u

mike: love u too be safe

She took a long shower, taking time to blow-dry her hair and do a face-mask. She pulled on light pink cotton shorts and searched for something to wear over her bra and tank top. She paused when her eyes settled on the black hoodie in her closet. Luke's hoodie.

She pulled it out, raising it to her face and inhaling. It smelled like him; like cologne and vanilla. Ella pulled it on.

She went downstairs making popcorn and settling on the sofa to watch a movie.

*2 hours later*

Ella regretted everything. Why would she choose to watch the conjuring knowing she was home alone?

She got up off the couch, screaming when the empty bowl of popcorn clattered on the floor.

She ran upstairs, rushing into her bed. She pulled out her phone, texting someone who would bring her solace. For some reason only one person came to mind.

ella: hi :) are u awake

He replied right away.

luke: Yeah what's up

ella: just watched the conjuring😔

luke: 😧

luke: I love that movie

luke: Are u scared

ella: im home alone😔

He typed for a moment but didn't send anything. She bit her lip before doing something she would probably regret later;

ella: come over

His responce is instantaneous.

luke: Sure

Her heart jumped. Her doorbell rang ten minutes later, and she rushed to open the door, revealing Luke in all his glory.

He was wearing black ripped jeans, and a black t shirt. His bright brown eyes darkened when he saw her, his mouth quirking up, as he stared at her sweater, saying nothing. She blushed when she realized she had forgotten to change out of his hoodie.

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