Chapter 14: Strawberries

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"Sam, you are the closest thing to an angel on this earth." Ella said, stripping out of her mascot costume and hanging it up. 

Sam, being the psychic that she was, had a feeling there would be a party after the game, so she had packed clothes in her locker, for her and Ella. 

She handed Ella black skinny jeans and a blue crop top, grinning. "You're welcome. Now get dressed." She did, tying her curly hair up into a bun, pulling some strands out to make it look nicer. 

"Do you have lip gloss?" She asked.

"Duh." Sam threw a sparkly, pink tube at her. 

"I'm keeping this." Ella put some on and put it in her pocket. She also had her phone, and car keys. Michael had already left with Devon so she could take the car. 

Thirty minutes later they pulled into Jacob's driveway, they stopped for Burger King, because drinking on an empty stomach is a very bad idea. Ella could tell his mom wasn't home as she parked a few houses down. Ms. Brown would never let him have a party. 

There was already people on his front lawn, and music was blaring loud. Ella and Sam pushed past through the people at the front door, into the kitchen. Jacob was there, pouring his lethal combination of drinks for Mike and some other random guys. 

"Ella!" He yelled when he saw her. Mike turned then. "Hey girls! Oh! Sam there's some guy who was looking for you earlier. I forgot his name but go find him." 

"You're useless." Sam uttered. She said bye to Ella and went to find whoever was looking for her. 

Jacob put his arm on El's shoulders. "Your boyfriend is drunk off his ass." 

"I don't have a boyfriend." She looked at him disapprovingly. 

"Oh, my bad," He gave her an evil look. "Luke is drunk off his ass." Mike laughed then, knowing Jake was just teasing her. She scowled at him, but found herself subconsciously looking around; didn't Luke say he doesn't drink? Weird. 

"I'm gonna go say hi to everyone." She said, leaving them to their own devices. She did her round through the party, constantly looking for Luke. She didn't have to look for long, he was in the corner on a couch, with some girl on his lap. They made eye-contact, and he gently pushed the girl off him, approaching Ella. 

"Hi!" He yelled, clearly intoxicated. 

"I thought you didn't drink?" She asked. 

He shrugged. "I guess I just wanted to celebrate. I need some fresh air, wanna go outside?"

"Sure." She led them through the kitchen where Dylan, who had been drinking from a keg, waved at her. She rolled her eyes.

Once they were in the backyard, which was surprisingly empty, Luke started laughing. 

"What?" She asked. 

"You're so mean." 

"No, I'm not." She said indignantly.  "I roll my eyes as a compliment."

She went and sat on Jacob's garden swing. Luke looked at her for a minute before he stumbled and sat next to her. 

She stiffened when he gently rested his head on her shoulder, his curly, soft hair brushing  against her neck. She was surprised at the lack of discomfort she felt.

"Did you tell your mom that you won?" She asked him. 

"Yeah. She was really happy. She also wants to meet the girl who made her absence seem not so bad."  She blushed, he told his mom about her?

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