Chapter 25: Mine

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As Luke lead Ella up to his room, she didn't even have time to survey it, as he closed the door and suddenly pushed her up against it. 

She was startled, to say the least. Usually, she was the one to initiate physical intimacy, so when he did, it surprised her (and not in a bad way). 

He placed one of his forearms up against the wall beside her face, and lightly brushed her cheek with his other hand. 

"Hi." He whispered, and leaned in, wrapping both arms around her waist, pushing himself into her. 

She wasted no time placing her elbows on his shoulders, as he gently nestled his head onto her shoulder. She breathed in his scent of warm vanilla.

"Um, hi." She whispered back, her heart stuttering.

They stayed in that weird position, and Ella slowly lifted her hands up into his hair, stroking through it as she looked around his room. 

She expected it to be messy like her own, but it wasn't. In fact, it was kind of... empty? 

There was a large bed in the middle, facing a closet, and there was a desk in the corner. The duvet was black, and the walls were grey, giving a gloomy sense to it. 

Ella decided she was going to paint or draw him things to hang up. Her drawings were personal, but as long as he never saw the ones of him, she would share them with him.

After a few minutes of him holding her, and breathing her in, as if making sure she was real and with him, he pulled away. 

She surveyed his dark sweatpants and hoodie. He was so wickedly handsome. 

"Are you hungry? I'm gonna order pizza." He asked, going to sit back on his bed. 

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. The way he held her was seared into her skin. She missed his warmth.

He suddenly got up, grabbing her by her upper arms and peering into her eyes, which had widened.  

"Do you like pineapples on pizza?" He inquired, very seriously, his stare intense. 

She shook her head no. 

His lips quirked up into a smile. "Good. Eli loves it, but I think it's a crime." He nodded approvingly. 

She laughed with him, and soon they were snuggled in his bed, eating pizza as he tried to show her the show he was watching. She didn't really have an interest in watching cartoon ninjas, but she pretended to, for him. 

Ella's favourite part of the pizza was the crust. She knew it was weird but she just loved it, as they ate she noticed Luke would leave his crusts. She started eating them, and he looked at her weirdly but said nothing.

After they ate, she felt herself falling asleep on his shoulder. She tried to keep her eyes open, but soon she felt darkness envelop her. Right before she succumbed to sleep, she felt something warm press against her forehead, lightly.


Ella woke with a start, at the feeling of something hard gently digging into her sides. She opened her eyes, jolting when she saw Luke's face on top of her. 

She squealed when she realized what he was doing. 

He was tickling her. 

And if Ella had a weakness, it was being tickled. This became clear when she burst out laughing while he tickled powerfully under her ribs, as she tried to get words out. 

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