Chapter 10: We should be friends.

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"El please."

"Sam I'm not going with you to the mall just because you know Ahmed is there."

"This could be my last chance to make him fall in love with me El, please my mom would only let me date a guy if he was Arab too."

They had been arguing for 10 minutes because Sam saw her crush from Brickston High post a story at the mall with his friends. Sam was hoping to bump into him there and they could hang out. As if the plan wasn't already creepy enough, she wanted Ella to go with her so they could pretend they were just shopping.  Ella didn't mind the mall but they were in the hammocks in her backyard listening to Frank Ocean and she wasn't in the mood to go anywhere.

"Remember that time when you had a really bad date with Miguel that your mom made you go out with and I called you pretending to be at the hospital so you could leave?" Sam tried to convince her by guilting her. It worked.

"I hate you. Fine. Let's go, you loser." She sighed and got up, stretching. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a white crop-top; the perfect outfit to just chill.

"I LOVE YOU!" Sam kissed her cheek and ran into the house. Ella knew how boy-crazy Sam could be but it was different with Ahmed, they met him at a basketball game between their schools and Sam was infatuated. Ella also got the vibe that Ahmed liked her too.

Sam had her car so she drove them there.

"Since we're already here let's go to Victoria's Secret I need new bras." Ella said.

"You have so much lingerie, but okay." Sam rolled her eyes.

They went there and Ella picked out a matching black set of underwear. As they were walking out, fate was on their side, Ahmed was passing by with his friend Carlos. He glanced at them, and stopped when he recognized them. Ella couldn't help but notice how he had eyes only for Sam.

"Hey." He came up to them.

"Hi!" Sam was quick to say.

Ella nonchalantly grabbed Carlos and pulled him a few steps back. He gave her a weird look. They followed each other on Twitter and he was always tweeting activism posts, which she admired.

"Sorry, I wanted to give Sam and Ahmed some alone time."

"That's Sam?" He raised his eyebrows. "Well that explains a lot; Ahmed won't shut the fuck up about her."

She laughed. "Trust me, I know what that feels like."

"Should we dip and let them talk? He was planning on DMing her anyways." He asked.

Ella saw him subtly check her out, which was flattering. He was cute. Not as tall as Luke but he- wait why was she comparing him to Luke? She cut her train of thought off.

"Yeah. Hey Sam!" Sam looked back. She was so distracted by Ahmed she didn't even notice Ella move 6 feet away from her. "Carlos and I are gonna go grab a bite, see you later?"

Sam gave her a look that clearly said 'I love you'. She rolled her eyes and walked the opposite direction with Carlos.

"Hey I actually gotta go, but I would love to get lunch or something some day? You're really cute. Can I have your number?" Carlos said. She blushed.

Ella smiled at him. "Yeah I would like that too." She put her number into his phone and he hugged her, which was sweet. When he left, she sent a text to Michael asking him to come pick her up, as Sam had her own car keys and she couldn't leave. She walked towards the ice cream shop in front of her as she texted. She tucked her phone in her pocket as she looked up,

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