Chapter 23: Laser tag

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"So where will our.. date be?" Ella asked after he stayed silent for a few minutes. 

"Well, there's something I've wanted to do since I was a kid but I never, er,  got the chance." Luke hand tightened around the hers. "And I wanna do it with you." 

Her heart skipped a beat. She wondered what it was.

He pulled the car into... the kid's play place? What? It was a big building with certain floors dedicated to games; laser tag being the most popular.

"You wanna... play kid's games?" She inquired, curiously. 

"Yeah." He shrugged. "We can go somewhere else if you don't want-" 

"No. I want to." She cut him off. This was clearly something he wanted to experience with her. Besides, she loved laser tag. 

He got out of the car and she watched him run across the front of the car, in a hurry to open her door for her again. She laughed at that, earning a frown from him.

He lead them to the laser tag venue, paying for their entrance and handing her her vest and gun. There was a group of young boys who were playing at the same time as them. Maybe it was a school trip or something. 

As Ella put on her vest and gear, Luke did the same, leading them to the playing arena. She was embarrassed that they were the only older people there, but he didn't seem to care.

"Are you ready? I'll give you a head-start to go hide." Luke grinned.

She rolled her eyes, shoving him slightly. "I'm going to win." 

"Wanna bet?" He said. 

"Yeah, actually I do." She replied. 

Luke's eyebrow quirked. "What should we bet for?"

"Hmm," She thought. "Whoever loses has to cover Ms Perkins' car in toilet paper." She hated that teacher so much.

He laughed loud. "Okay. I'm in."

"I'm definitely going to win." He said, cheekily, sticking his tongue out at her. 

Ella reached out and grabbed his tongue with her thumb and index, causing him to lurch back and give her an incredulous look. She shrugged, turning to walk away.

He shook his head as she skipped away for their game to start. 

Ella was ducked behind a black pillar, hiding from Luke. She was competitive and needed to win to feel good about herself. Being on her period didn't help either. 

As she turned her head out into the open she was surprised to be met with beautiful, bright brown eyes. She gasped, pulling her gun up, she had it up and ready to shoot within seconds, grinning in victory. That grin disappeared when he shoved her back behind the pillar, gently pushing her into the wall. What was he doing? 

He pushed her gun to its side, taking advantage of her shock, pressing it to her torso with his own body, startling her. 

What was he- she gasped when he lent in swiftly and his lips came in contact with hers. 

He kissed her hard. Ella didn't have time to catch her breath, as he bit her bottom lip, tugging her mouth open, moving and incorporating his lips with her. He had never kissed her roughly before; always soft and gentle kisses as if she were a delicate china doll. This time was different. He tugged and bit and kissed her lips as a fiery pit built in her lower stomach.

Her hands had dropped her gun, coming up to twist and tangle into his hair and around his neck as he ravished her mouth.

He was kissing her with so much passion, almost like he was trying to- Oh fuck. 

It was too late by the time Ella figured it out. 

He had pulled back, aimed his gun and shot her vest. He had kissed her to distract her and win the game. And it worked. Damn her stupid hormones.

He had a goofy grin on his, now swollen, lips, as they left the laser tag place. 

"I won." He repeated for the seventh time since they'd left.

Ella rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She watched him race in front of her to open the car door for her again. 

"I'm taking you for ice cream." He informed her as they drove out of the parking lot. 

"Okay." She needed dessert right now. 

After he parked and , again, opened the door for her, he took her hand, leading them into a lavish ice cream restaurant. 

She felt out of place in her leggings but no one seemed to care. 

Luke ordered a mint ice-cream for himself, ordering a vanilla for her. He remembered her go to flavor from when she ordered one from his work place. Her chest warmed.

As they sat and ate they talked about nothing important, just favorite colors and foods. Luke had opened up to her so much the past few weeks and she appreciated it a lot. 

She really was crazy about him.

a/n where this idea came from:

a/n where this idea came from:

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