Chapter 3: Consequences of Those Rash Decisions part 2

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"This is a new transfer student, his name is Luke." Ms. Perkins said in her raspy voice. "You can go sit next to Elliot." She said, pointing at a boy named Ethan. No one bothered to correct her about names anymore.

Ella couldn't believe her luck, the stranger she kissed was the new guy at her school. Sam was laughing her ass off about the whole scenario and Jessica was just confused.

Ella kept her head down and didn't look up for the majority of the class, until Ms Perkins decided to be the satanist that she is and make sure everyone in the class knew Ella "wasn't paying attention".

She was doodling on her notebook when Ms Perkins shouted across the class in a voice like nails on a chalkboard.

"Emma! Why are you not paying any attention in my class? Do you think you're better than all of us? This review from last year is important to succeed in this class? Get up here and solve this problem."

Ella wished the ground would swallow her whole at that moment. She glanced to the side and accidentally made eye contact with Calum, who looked away immediately. She did the walk of shame to the front of the class and drew out the electron configuration of arsenic.

On her way down she looked at Luke and found him staring right at her with a smug smirk on his perfect little face that made Ella want to punch a wall.

When the bell rang she was the first one out of class (Sam wasn't in her next class) but someone grabbed her wrist and dragged her back near the locker area.

She turned around expecting the worst, and she expected right. Calum was standing there with an weird look on his face.

"Ella listen I know I did wrong and I want to apologize, I'm-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because at that moment, Luke walked right over and threw his arm over Ella's shoulders like they were old friends.

"Is this guy bothering you babe?" He said to her in a low, joking voice.

She shoved him away and gave him a dirty look, she looked back at Calum and said,
"You break up with me for apparently no reason, ignore me the whole summer then try to drag me around at your convenience? Fuck off Calum. I don't want your apology or your explanation, I honestly couldn't give less of a shit."

She then grabbed Luke's hand and towed him away to the janitor's closet. She shoved him in and got in, then locked the door behind her.

"I like where this is going." He whispered.

She pulled her hand out of his.

"Shut up, this is going nowhere, what happened at Disneyland was a one time okay? I just needed to prove a point to my ex and you were right there." She said harshly expecting him to be offended and never talk to her again.

He smirked. "You weren't saying that when you had your tongue in my mouth."

"I did not involve my tongue anywhere during that kiss!" She said, appalled.

"Sure you didn't." He winked. He was so infuriating, Ella was ninety percent done with him and she'd only been with him for three minutes.

"You need to-" The bell went, cutting her off and she groaned.

"Shit! I'm late to English on the first say of school."

"You have English too? With Mr Revi? Great! you can show me the way."

It was official. Ella was going to drop out of school, move to Iceland and herd sheep for the rest of her life. She suddenly hated everyone at school except Sam and maybe Michael.

She led Luke out of the closet and to English class, she took a deep breath, knocked on the door and walked in. 

"Sorry I'm late, I was showing the new kid around." she said, gesturing to Luke.

A boy on the football team, Jacob, who was sitting in the back, whistled at her and yelled,
"Sure you were, Bennett, I'll tell Michael all about your activities with the new kid." They all tended to call her by her last name, as they did with Michael.

"You're just jealous because me showing Luke to a class is more action with the opposite gender than you'll ever get, Brown."

The class 'ooh'ed and Ella went and sat next to Jessica, leaving Luke to his own devices.

"The cute guy was staring at you during chem, do you know him?" Jessica started.

"Nope, no idea who he is."

"You two would be cute together." She winked. Jessica liked playing matchmaker; she was the one who introduced Ella to Calum.

"Jess please don't do this, I have enough to deal with this year." She said before filling in the worksheets Mr Revi handed out.

After English, she went to the cafeteria with Sam and told her everything that happened. They came to the conclusion that Ella should avoid Calum until she was ready to hear what he had to say. Ella also decided to avoid Luke but Sam wasn't so on board with that. She thought Luke was hot and that he should be Ella's rebound.

The last two classes Ella had were math and then her favourite, art. Luke was also in her math class but the seating was in alphabetical order and Luke's last name was Parker, so they didn't communicate much.

Ella loved art. She loved everything about it. In her opinion, art was the only way a person could express themself to the fullest and she loved that.

Her art teacher was a beautiful thirty something year old woman from Egypt who had traveled around the world, and learned all about art until she settled down in California as a high school teacher. She had dark skin, brown eyes and wore a different headscarf everyday full of colours that really expressed her as a person.

After art, Ella waited by the school entrance for Michael so they could go home. It had been a long day and she just wanted to lay in her bed and take a nap.

this chapter is mostly just a filler, next chapters will be better i promise, until next time!

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