Chapter 8.

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"Wow..." Keeley whispered as we pulled into a parking space. She looked up at the bright colorful lights of the amusement park that lit the night sky, the sparkle in her eye made me smile at my choice of venue. 

"You ever been here before?" I asked as I opened her door for her.

"During the day, sure, but i've always wanted to come here at night." She says, smiling up at me. "my mom never wanted me to come here at night because she said it's when all the creeps come out,"

"She's a little right," I say, causing her to snap her head towards me. "don't worry princess, it's safer here than in the streets. Which you have ventured to, what, three times by yourself?" I smirk down at her.

"Shut up..." she mumbled, her cheeks turning red. I shove my hands into my pockets and we stet walking to the entrance.

"So mommy dearest still tells you where to go?" I joke with her.

"No," she playfully elbows me in the side. "She told me that when I was 14, it just kind of stuck." She shrugs. "didn't your mom ever tell you not to do something when you were younger, and it just sort of stuck with you?" millions of different things that my mom told me went through my head just then, from all the little things like 'don't play with matches' to 'garret... don't follow in your brothers footsteps'.

"Yeah, I guess a few things did." I mumble. I suddenly feel a small hand placed on my arm and turn me to look at them. 

"You okay?" Keeley asked me, looking a little worriedly at my facial expression. I quickly change my face to a smirk to coverup my thoughts.

"Yeah, come on." I remove her hand from my arm gently, and then put my hand on her waist to move her so she's walking in front of me. 


"Oh my gosh! That was the best ride here!" Keeley says all excited as we exit the roller coaster. "Can we go again? Please!" she asks as she grabs onto my arm and jumps up and down, I was starting to think that I shouldn't have gotten her that cotton candy after all.

"I thought you were hungry?" I chuckled at her, before the ride she was saying that we should grab food afterwards.

"Oh yeah! Let's do that... then can we go again?" I nodded at her and she jumped in excitement again. Before I could ask her what she wants to eat, she grabbed my arm and started towing me towards the food. "nachos sound good to you?" 

"Sure." I wanted to smile at her, but the thought soon vanished as soon as I had it because someone caught my eye. "hey," I pulled her to a stop and pulled out my wallet. "you go standing line, theres something I gotta do really quick." I handed her some money. She gave me a strange look for a second, then she shrugged and took the money wand hurried over towards the food stands.

I turned around and headed to the familiar face I had seen, wondering if I saw right or not. I scanned the crowd to see if I could find them, and I almost gave up till the crowd parted just right. I made my way over to the person, I saw him talking to a few people, they also looked familiar, but not in a good way. 

As I reached them, I pulled down my hood, knowing that he wouldn't recognize me with my hood on. I felt bare without it, but if it is who I think it is, then it should be fine. Someone pointed to me and said something and the guy turned around, confirming my suspicions.

"Garret?"  he looked just as surprised as me.

"Luke..." suddenly a grin appeared on both of our faces, we slapped hands and hugged. "how have you been?" I asked him, pulling back. 

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