For Her - Preview!!

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Here it is! The preview for the story you know you all have been waiting for! 

For Her

"I still can't believe you dragged me here.... I don't even know why we're here!" Garret suddenly exclaimed, his narrowed eyes pointed at me. 

"We need some stuff for the house, I don't know how long I'm staying yet, It could be a month, it could be a year. I just want some supplies to tide us over." I shrugged nonchalantly  my hands stuffed in my pockets as we walked.

"Yes, I understand that part, but why the mall? Of all places we could have gone, why the mall?" He asked, I didn't answer for a moment and then his face scrunched up at my silent answer  I smirked, still facing forwards. "seriously? You're wanting to pick up a chic.... Here of all places.... Are you trying to tell me you're into high school girls?" Garret asked wide eye'd  peaking up at me form under his hood.

"Dude!" I shouted, looking at him in shock. "Why on earth?.. No! Just no! Too young, bro. Too young." I shook my head rapidly. After I had my little freak out, we just stood there for a minute before me and Garret both were practically bent over with laughter. "But hey, there are some ladies here our age. Which is why we're at the mall, where they will most likely be." I shurgged.

"True... Whatever then, your call. Just don't take anyone back to our place, I'd rather not hear anything." Garret's face screwed up again, though amusement was still clear on his face.

"Fine fine, spoil sport." I mumbled.

We walked a bit further, passing the food court. It was like your regular, average, everyday mall. Lot's of people bustling around, lot's of kids who were ditching school, and lot's of very cute women getting some shopping done. Garret and I circled the place, trying to find somewhere to buy some equipment. I knew that a Dillards  Macy's or even JCPennies would have some stuff, but so far, i'd only seen clothes shops. 

As we walked further, a noise was picked up that didn't sound good. It was laughter and frightened screams. Usually that meant a prank, or a horror movie, but as I glanced across the railing to the other side, I saw something that threw me off completely.

A group of guy's were surrounding a few girls, two of which were being held back, and another... They were holding her over the railing!

I glanced at Garret for only a split second before I made haste. 

"Stop! Guy's  please! Stop it!" The girl shouted, you could hear the fear in her voice. This wasn't a game for a couple teenagers, it was bullying. 

"Don't worry, we're not going to drop you." One of the guy's taunted, a smirk on his face. He was the one holding her waist, the one who initially lifted her over the ledge. "it's not eve that far of drop anyway, nothing to fear." 

"Please... Just stop, put me down!" She shouted again, desperation leaking into her voice. The same sound was in her friends voices as the shouted and struggled against the other guy's too. 

I didn't know why these guy's were harassing them, but I knew that they needed to be stopped. There was never any dang mall security around when you needed it. Heck, from what I could tell, these guy's were collage age, why the heck were they still acting like middle schoolers?!

"That's enough, put her back on her feet." I said, my voice raised but not shouting. They turned towards me but didn't think much of it, just kept smirking and laughing. "Now." I ordered them threateningly.

"Come one man, just go away. We're only messing with her." The guys said who was holding the girl. 

She had her hands clamped onto the guy's arms in a vice like hold, I could see her fingers had turned white already, just as her face was. I glanced my head over towards the guy's holding the girls friends,  Watching for a moment as I saw Garret take a few threatening steps towards them. They imedtialy stopped and took their hands off the girls, holding them up in front of them instead in surrender. I turned back around and narrowed my eyes at the main guy threateningly, a look I hadn't used since my fighting days.  

The girls friends wasted no time after their freedom and rushed to their friend, trying to pull her up. The guy holding her sighed and pulled her waist, bringing her from her sitting position over the railing, back to her feet on the ground. 

As soon as he turned my way with pursed lips and a look in his eye's that was basically calling me a 'kill joy,' I didn't waste time. I quickly shot my fist out in front of me, not bothering to wind it back first so he wouldn't see it coming. The slight crunch sound that came from his nose upon impact, left a little feeling of satisfaction in me. The guy had cried out and both hands shot to his nose, and I shook my hand out with a smirk on my face.

"Quick lesson for you, man. Don't ever treat girls like that, they don't deserved to be bullied by a guy who still thinks he's in Pre-K," I said slowly, then jerked my head in the opposite direction of where the girls were huddling together behind me and Garret. "Get out." 



Yay!!! So  there's your preview! The book will be coming out here pretty soon! So be watching for it! I'll let you know when I've posted it! And also, please stay tuned for tomorrow, as I will be posting the extra chapter, the bonus chapter! I won't tell you what it's about just yet, but just know that you guy's will be getting a little extra XD

Hope you all have enjoyed this journey as much as I have! Thanks for reading, voting and commenting! please don't forget to share! and always remember that I luv ya! ;D

Also, remember that the watty's is tomorrow! And I need all the help I can get! As previously stated in the last chapter.

Till tomorrow!


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