Chapter 24.

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"You stupid Bit-” The loud ring of the gun shot rang through my ears. I grabbed Keeley and pulled her around me, trying to block her from the bullet. 

It was no use.

She fell.

"No, no... no  no, no, no, no, no," I whispered forcefully in panic as my stomach clenched into a knot. I cradled her fall, tears quickly formed and spilled over my face as I looked down at her. My arms were barely even able to hold her up. "Keeley," My voice was urgent, trying to keep her focusing on me. "Come on, come on Keeley." My voice started to get horse, my throat tightening up to the point I felt like I couldn't breath. "No!" I cried out.


I woke up suddenly, my heart pounding and my body covered in sweat. My breath was coming out rapidly and I could't control it. I needed to calm down... No, I needed to see her. I need to see Keeley. 

I glanced across the pale room at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was barely six in the morning, that it's only been three hours since I last woke up. I sighed and leaned back against the bed, deciding that I was going to stay up and that there as no use in trying to go back to sleep. Not at the moment anyway. I turned my head to the window, even though it was covered with blinds, trying to ease my mind. I needed to clear it at the moment, something I couldn't so when sleeping.

I tried counting the blinds, then tried thinking about the pattern of the curtains next to them, finding random patterns in them. 

I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Time went by, but not fast enough, and my head was adamant on staying full of things to think of, no matter how much I tried to distract it. I glanced over at the clock and saw that only a few more minutes had past. I sighed and carefully leaned back against the bed again, upset that the day seemed to be going so slow, and It was only six in the morning. 

I wasn't able to see Keeley yesterday as The nurse had said it was past visiting hours, and her shift, but she would find out tomorrow if I would be able to go see her or not. 

After a few more hours and visits from the nurse and Alex, who had already been released, It was now noon.  Time was still going slow and there wasn’t anything I could seem to do to change that. Not any Tv and Books that Alex had brought for me to keep me buys had eased my mind. Nothing could take me away form this slow time.

I wasn't released yet, not even close. The doctor said I wasn't going to be able to leave for another few days because of the damage done to my rib cage, they want to keep it monitored. Though, I had the clearance to walk down the hallway and the cafeteria as long as I wasn't pushing myself, and Alex had brought me clothes so I could change, and I planned on taking that much needed trip down the hallway. I needed to see Keeley.

I put on the grey sweatpants and red shirt that he stuffed in a plastic bag, then grabbed the black cotton hoodie off the back of the chair he had left for me to use.  I didn't feel leek bending over and putting shoes on though, it was tough enough to put on the pants, so I settled for the hospital administrated slippers, ignoring the itchy feeling as the rubbed against my feet. I didn't really care what I looked like at the moment, though I had a feeling It looked pretty lazy and college student like, border-lining on homeless with the shape I was in currently, but I needed to see Keeley.

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