Chapter 22.

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My eyes were hard and hands turned into fist as I glared at the guy in front of me, the guy that was holding Keeley. My focus immediately went straight on her when she was brought over, and it hadn't moved away one bit. What caught my attention, made my blood boil, and my gut clench even more was the red on Keeley's face. My eyes shifted from the red, hand-shaped mark on her cheek to the guy holding her. He gulled and tried to look away, though his eyes kept nervously shifting back to me.

I was about to make my move, about to pounce for the guy holding Keeley, when I was suddenly shoved from behind with a blunt force. 

My hood was knocked backwards as I fell to my knees, my hands shooting out to catch myself and letting go of my bleeding side. A grunt escaped my throat when I landed, though I was quickly grabbed up by a fistful of hair. I clenched my teeth together and forced in a breath, my eyes turning to look up at Luke. He grinned down at me maliciously and I wanted to punch that look right off his face. I still couldn't believe that it was him that's been doing this, but I wanted to hurt him right now despite that fact.

Luke pulled my head back further and got closer to my face, making it hard for me to look anywhere but at him. His grip on my hair tightened even more as he used it as his handle, I now wanted to curse under my breath at the fact I had forget to cut it off.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that it's rude to ignore people when they are talking?" He hissed before throwing my head forwards, making me land on my hands once more. I quickly started to get to my feet so I could grab him and throw him to the ground, though I quickly stopped in my tracks when he pointed a gun at Keeley. "I said, I was talking." He said calmly, but a threatening undertone was definitely evident.

"I didn't hear anything," I said smartly, my eyes shooting him with daggers. Though I quickly cursed my smart-mouth when he cocked back the trigger and moved closer to Keeley.

"I'm sure you're ready to listen now though... Am I right?" Luke asked impatiently, though you could see a smirk on his face, he knew I would stay still now, that I wouldn't do anything. I nodded my head reluctantly causing a satisfied grin to appear on his face. "Good. Now that that's settled, let's get back down to the pathetic thing you call a life." 

I was hearing his words, though I didn’t care what he was saying. My thoughts were focused on the blond being held at gunpoint. My stomach was in knots and my heart felt like it would stop at any second. Flashbacks of what had happened to Lacy went through my head, though the ones of Dakota were more similar to this than the others.

Why do I have to have these painful memories?

I glanced back to Luke, trying to push down the pain I was feeling form the memories. Though it didn't seem to work that much. I sucked in a breath and cleared my head, getting my thoughts back in order, and glared at him.

“You can threaten me all you want, but if you dare so much as touch her, you’re going to get what’s coming to you. That’s a promise.” I warned him through my gritted teeth as I gave him a hostile look. I shook away my thoughts from earlier and directed all my energy. He nodded slightly, and raised his eyebrow before taking a few steps my direction. He squatted down to my level and looked me in the eyes daringly.

“I think you’re forgetting who’s holding the gun,” He whispered before he raised his hand and swiftly knocked my head with the butt of the gun. I grunted and swayed a little, though was able to stay in an upright position. “I’ll be the one doing the talking. The next time you open your mouth before I say you can will earn the blonde a bullet in her leg. We wouldn’t that now, would we?” He sneered at me. I glared at him, but my heart was now in my throat, so I slowly nodded my head. “Good.” He nodded his head with a smirk on his face.

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