Chapter 15.

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I looked around for blonde hair as I peered over the crowd, though I couldn’t see anyone that looked familiar. I looked back to the ticket booth and saw Alex still waiting in line, then looked back towards the crowded concession stand too look for Keeley and Shannon again, with no luck. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket and I thought about ignoring it, then it buzzed a second time, then a third and a fourth. I rolled my eyes and opened it up, seeing they were from Keeley.

Look -K

To -K

Your -K

Left -K

I shook my head with a slight smile on my face, then looked to my far left and saw Keeley waiting on the edge of the room with Shannon. I pocketed my phone and started to make my way through the busy crowd, pushing my way past people. Someone coming the opposite way rammed into my shoulder, turning me slightly, then kept on going. I rolled my eyes at him and continued on my way, walking practically sideways through the crowd until I reached the girls.

“Hey you,” Keeley greeted me as I pulled her into a side hug.

“Hey back... “I chuckled. “Hi, Shannon,” she raised her eyebrow at me and I looked up then back to her with a smirk on my face. “I mean, ‘Hi, Shane’,” I said with a little bit of sarcasm in my voice.

“Hi, Mr. Dark and Mysterious,” She replied with a cocky smirk on her face.

“Did you really tell her that name?” I asked, looking at Keeley with a raised eyebrow, she just shrugged with a slight smile etched on her lips. “What happened to calling me Mr. Last Name?” I teased.

“Who said it wasn’t going to call you that?” She challenged. 

“Call who what?” Alex asked as he walked up with the tickets in his hand.

“None of your business,” She narrowed her eyes at Alex.

“I can make it my business, Shorty.” He retorted. 

Keeley and I shared a look then stepped back as they started arguing with each other, not wanting to get caught in the cross fire. I could swear tat they were related sometimes, they both had the same temper, same p attitudes and same lame comebacks. When it was time for us t head into the theater, Alex and Shane were going at it like cat’s and dog’s, and the insults were starting to get nasty. 

I cringed as Alex had swore, not calling her a bad name, but swearing at something she had said. Then cringed as Shane let a comeback come flying out of her mouth when she had no idea of what it would do to Alex. 

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” She fired back at him, then it was like watching a crash in slow motion. Shane’s triumphant look vanished as Alex grew silent and withdrew into himself.

“I don’t even talk to my mother,” he spat the word like it was acid on his tongue.

“I’m... I’m sorry,” she stepped back, crossed her arms over her chest and looked down. Her face held guilt and I could see that she was kicking herself in her mind.

“Guy’s, Let’s just let the movies handle the drama.” I suggested, looking at my best friend as he frowned at the ground. I looked to Keeley for help and nodded, then went over to Shane.  “come on, I know how much you like Johnny Depp movies,” I said to Alex then started to guide him to the ticket counter with Shane and Keeley right behind us. As we sat down, Alex sat on my side and Shane sat on the other side of Keeley, keeping distance between themselves. 

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