Be Careful Making Wishes in the Dark

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Three hours later, her phone vibrating on the nightstand. Squinting against the bright light of the screen, she saw she had a new text message. She groaned when she saw the clock read 3:17 a.m. Suppressing a yawn, she opened the offending text

Room 455, 6th floor was all it said.

 To anyone else, this wouldn't make any sense, but Yelena knew exactly what it meant. Climbing out of bed, Yelena stumbled into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. Running her fingers through her messy hair, she grabbed her room key and phone and stuffed her feet into her UGGS once again and slipped into the hall. She rode the elevator up to the sixth floor and upon arrival, knocked on the door labeled 455, checking to make sure no one was around. The door opened and a hand shot out and pulled her into the room. As soon as the door shut, her back was against it and a pair of arms went around her waist. It was pitch black in the room except for a strip of light peeking through the closed blinds and she could barely make out his form as he lead her into his bedroom. Lips crashed down on hers, kissing her feverishly. The smell of beer filled her nose

"You went... out tonight?" she asked around his lips

"Mmhm." was all he replied as he yanked her top over her head

She instantly felt self-conscious even though it was dark in the room, but he didn't seem to care. He nudged her gently into the sitting position on the end of the bed and turned his attention to her neck as he worked on her bra, skillfully getting it off and throwing it to the floor. He stopped for a second and Yelena could hear the faint sound of a belt being unbuckled as he dropped his pants, kicking them to the side. His kiss returned and he pushed her down onto her back, pulling her sweatpants off with ease. Yelena tensed a little as he kissed her. His hands were all over the place. His nails dug into her slightly and he roughly pinned her hands above her head with one hand, the other grabbing at her exposed breasts

"Hey... slow down a bit." she whispered, trying to wiggled her hands out of his grasp, but her weak plea only seemed to drive him further. His grip on her did the opposite as his lips went back to her neck.

"Ow. Slow down a little." she said louder, wincing as he bit a little too hard. He fondled her breasts again, pinching her nipples. "You're hurting me." She suddenly felt clausterphobic, his hands were too tight and the smell of booze was getting stronger.

"Shhhh... relax. Enjoy it." he cooed, hooking his fingers into the sides of her panties, pulling them off.

She tried to relax like he said but she knew she was not about to enjoy what was about to happen.

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