Men In Black

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Survivor Series November 18, 2012 Indianapolis, Indiana

Yelena, Rosa, and AJ were gathered around the monitor to watch the main event of the night. The pay per view had been a hit and Punk vs Cena vs Ryback was going to seal the deal.

The match was insane. There were a few moments where Cena was close to winning or Ryback got a close call and Punk capitalized. Yelena winced as John gave Punk an AA and went for a cover, but Punk kicked out at the last second and Yelena and AJ let out a sigh of relief.

"Ouch" Rosa laughed as Punk hit a high knee to Cena in the corner. He went for a bulldog, but Cena countered, tripping up Punk and getting the STF locked in. Ryback pulled Cena off Punk and connected with a huge clothesline on the floor. Ryback climbed back in the ring and leveled Punk with a clothesline. He got Punk up on his shoulders, marched and connected with the Shell Shocked.

"This match is epic" AJ said, her doe eyes wide

The crowd was eating it up

Ryback hooked the leg, but Cena broke it up. Ryback countered an attempted AA and had Cena up for the Shell Shocked and connects.

Yelena gripped her hair in anticipation.

It happened so fast that she didn't have time to register what the hell was going on. Three men dressed in all black hit the ring and attack Ryback. They pulled Ryback to the ringside area. Picking him up, the trio sent Ryback crashing through the Spanish announce table with an expolsive Triple Power Bomb.

"What the fuck!" Rosa cried

"No way!" AJ squealed

Yelena's mouth was agape as she grabbed Rosa's shoulder "Its them!" she said, pointing at the monitor in amazement.

Back in the ring, Punk crawled over and hooked the leg of Cena, getting the pinfall and it was over. Yelena, AJ, and Rosa took off to the Gorilla Position. John came through first, followed by Ryback and the three guys came through the curtain and Rosa jumped on them

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!?" Rosa asked excitedly

"Say hello to your new resident bad asses!" Ambrose announced

"That was fucking insane!" AJ said, jumping onto Seth's back

Yelena gave the big Samoan a hug, before turning to Seth "Dude, your hair!" she said, running a hand through the shock of blonde.

"I wanted to do something different." he told her, giving her a hug

"Nah, he just didn't want to look like my mini me." Roman joked

Rosa punched Dean's shoulder "Asshole, you didn't tell me you guys were being called up."

"I couldn't. The boss man told us to keep it under wraps so it wouldn't get leaked."

The Superstars around them and watched the scene, their faces curious as they watched the two Divas and the photographer interact with the mysterious men

"Looks like you succeeded. They don't know what hit them." Yelena laughed

Punk burst through the curtain, sweaty,his title thrown over his shoulder, grinning "Welcome to the main roster rookies." he said, his eyes gleaming

"Glad to be here, Champ." Dean said, the two men sized each other up before breaking out into laughter "Give them hell." he told them

"That was only the beginning. You haven't seen anything yet." Roman promised.

Yelena watched as the three men looked at each other, as if they knew a secret that no one knew. These guys were going to kick ass. She could just feel it

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