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July 7, 2012 El Paso, Texas

"Ugh is there anything on this menu that I can eat?" Aksana whined, tossing her menu down on the table

Yelena, AJ, Brie Bella, and Aksana were currently sitting in the booths in the hotel's restaurant for lunch.

"Well, there's the club sandwich" AJ offered

"It comes with bacon on it, not to mention all that mayo" Aksana dissmissed

"How about the Chef's Salad?" the small Diva asked

"They only give you blue cheese dressing on it"

"What about the turkey burger?" Yelena asked

"I'll want fries if I get a burger."

"The soup? They have plenty to choose from" Brie said, scanning the list of over ten soup choices.

Aksana picked up her own menu and skimmed the list, settling for a simple vegetable soup "What are you getting?" the dark haired Diva asked AJ

"Grilled cheese" she muttered, focusing on coloring the dancing food on the kiddy menu she got when they came in

"I'm going to get soup too. I want to ween myself off of solid food before I start my juice cleanse."

"You do that too?" Yelena asked. She knew that Phil does juice fasting sometimes. The whole think seemed a bit icky to her. She saw the way he chugged unidentifiable fruits and vegetables like it was a glass of orange juice

"Yeah. It's really refreshing. Nikki and I have a photo shoot coming up and I want to look my best"

The waiter came and placed the Ladies' drinks in front of them

"Does it actually work?" Yelena asked, intrigued.

"Absolutely. You see results fairly quickly, but I must warn you. There are a few side effects." Brie told her "You'll get headaches and feel crappy. Not to mention it slightly effects your sleeping patterns."

"Hmm." Yelena grunted. It didn't sound too bad. Now it made since why Phil was always grumpier than usual. It was probably from the double lack of sleep "So how long do you do it?"

"I usually do it for two weeks, but if you were to do it, I'd suggest just one week."

"My sister's wedding is next year. I want to look good for it." Yelena told the twin

"You look fine now." Aksana told her, pulling a stern face.

Yelena could tell that she didn't like the idea of her dieting at all

"Yeah, you so don't need to lose weight. You look fantastic." AJ agreed

"Says the 'Sexiest women on television'" Yelena scoffed

After lunch, the girls returned to their room. Yelena had received a text from Rosa, asking if they could hang out by the pool, so she quickly changed into one of her new bathing suits she bought. She had to admit, it was not a bathing suit she would ever consider buying. She was always afraid that she would look like she was oozing out of it from every possible direction, but after some encouragement from Aksana, as always, she caved and bought it

She examined herself in the bathroom mirror. It actually didn't look as terrible as she thought it would. It was a hot pink bikini with gold leopard spots on it. All those weeks of stress and intense workouts have been paying off. She looked toned and trim, her love handles that she noticed a month ago were gone, leaving her looking coke bottle curvy. For once, she felt like she could strut around in a bathing suit and not think twice about herself. She grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her waist and her camera and everything she needed, throwing them into her tote and went down to the pool. When she got there, she spotted the Latina lounging in a chair on the phone and as she got closer, she noticed that the dark haired Diva's form was rigid and she was shouting obscenities in Spanish on her phone

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