Right By Your Side

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RAW Montreal, Quebec, Canada September 10, 2012

"You okay there King?" Randy asked the Hall of Famer. They had just finished a tag team match against Punk and Ziggler and Jerry was still struggling to catch his breath

"I'm alright son. I'm afraid that I'm not as young as I use to be." Jerry said, slightly clutching his chest.

Randy clapped the older man on the should "You still got it though." he said grinning "You want me to take you to a medic?" he asked

"No.. I'm fine. Nice match out there, son. Keep up the great work and you'll be back on top in no time." Jerry told him

"Thanks King." Randy said as breezed into the locker room, greeting Christian, who was on his way out "What's up Johnny boy." Randy greeted his best friend, dropping his bags onto the bench where he was sitting

John took in the ear to ear grin on his best friend's face "What's with the smile? You do it any harder, your face might crack."

"Just having a good day is all." Randy replied, pulling his gear out of his bag

"Anyone got any extra knee pads?" Mike called out

Randy tossed him a pair "Keep them." he told him

Mike pulled a face and looked at John, confused. The Boston native only shrugged, but Mike was still disturbed. Randy never gave his gear out. If you borrowed anything from The Viper, you had forty eight hours to return it before he came looking for it.

"Thanks..." Mike said hesitantly

"No problem." Randy replied cheerfully, heading to the showers. He passed Phil on his way in "Nice match out there tonight Brooks."

Punk looked at him incredulously before sitting on the bench "What the hell is up with him? Who shoved rainbows and sunshine up his ass?"

"I don't know, but it's scaring me. And I'm his best friend." said John

"Its weird. He's just... Too happy." Mike said "Like he's a new man or something"

"Isn't it obvious?" Wade chimed in

The three Superstars' heads turned in the Englishman's direction

"That, you idiots, is a man who just got his rocks off."

"Ohhhhh." Mike and John said simultaneously

"Oh god." Punk groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He did not need that visual.

"Hey" Yelena said, sliding into the chair next to Nikki, smiling brightly. The night was going well and she felt like she was on a good luck kick. During her meeting with Steph and the rest of the photography crew, they were asked to pitch new ideas and Yelena had blurted out the first thing that came to mind for the Instagram page, which was "Tattoo Thursday", where she would select one Superstar with tattoos and post it on the page with a brief description and what it represents to that person. Stephanie was all for it and praised her and have her the green light. Her first feature would start in a few short weeks. She chatted with Ariane, better known as Cameron animatedly about her nails and the sparkly pink polish the Diva was wearing.

Rosa watched her closely. Her best friend had been all but chipper and all smiles all day. "Alright Ulyanova." she said with a smirk "What is your deal?"

Yelena grinned at the Latina "What do you mean?" she asked, popping a grape into her mouth

"You've had that silly grin on your face all day." Rosa informed

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