Sick Day

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"Oh, that's real attractive." Mike snorted as Yelena blew her nose loudly into a tissue

"Shut up" she shot at him, wiping her nose. She had managed to catch a cold over the weekend

"I'm just kidding. How are you feeling?" he asked genuinely, passing her another Kleenex

"Like someone is holding my brain over an open fire." she said, taking it gratefully.

Mike winced as she blew her nose again and let out a barking cough "Don't you think you should see a doctor about that?"

"No. I can't afford to miss work. Not with Over The Limit right around the corner. I'm sure some Nyquil and a good night's sleep will fix everything." she said, squeezing hand sanitizer into her hand. She would hate to pass her germs to someone.

"Still not feeling any better?" Aksana asked, pulling up a chair next to her, rubbing her back.

Yelena rested her head in her hands "No"

"Maybe you should head back to the hotel and get some rest" Aksana said, worried about her friend

"I can't. The show isn't even halfway over and I've only taken like five photos."

"Don't worry about it. I don't have a match tonight. I'll take pictures for you and send them to you." she offered

Yelena thought it over. She really did need to rest.

"You're right" she shoved her things into her bag and got up, grabbing her half empty box of tissue "I should go get some rest. Thanks for helping me out tonight."

"No problem. Go get some sleep." Aksana said hugging her.

She left the building and headed back to the hotel. After showering, she turned on her Vick's air purifier and crawled into bed, turning the TV to RAW. She piled all of her pillows up so she was elevated and snuggled deep into the covers, fighting her chills. She couldn't sleep even though she was dead tired because she couldn't get comfortable. She could barely breathe through her nose and her body ached. She was just in time to see Phil's promo with AJ. She found their storyline with Daniel and Kane quite entertaining and so did the fans. She sent a text to Aksana

Take a good pic of AJ & Phil's promo


I'm on it


A few seconds later, a perfect picture came through her phone

Not bad :-)


Thank you :-)


When the show came back from commercial, another photo came through. This time, it was of Randy on his way to the ring. He was well oiled, his sleeve tattoos standing out against his sun kissed skin. There was a focused look upon his face, a look Yelena was quite familiar with. It was the gaze he adorned in many of the photos she had taken of him while he made his way down to the ring. She had to admit, that steely gaze was hot in a way

Thought you might like this one ;-)


Yelena smiled down at her phone

Shut up


She watched the show, periodically posting the pictures Aksana sent her onto the Instagram page. When the show was over, she rolled over and tried to get some rest, but a knock sounded on her door. She groaned as she got out of bed, a little too quickly making her head spin. She shuffled to the door and opened it, not even bothering to see who it was. She was surprised to see Randy standing there, bags in hand

"Randy, what are you-"

"I'm sorry if I woke you up." he said with a sweet smile, noticing that her nose was adorably red.

She stepped to the side and let him in, closing the door behind her. "I wasn't sleeping. What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?" she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling a chill run through her

"Well I ran into Aksana after the show and she mentioned that you were sick, so I figured I'd bring you something to make you feel better." he said, running his hand gently up and down her forearm when he saw that she was shivering

Yelena tried to stop her heart from beating out of her chest and onto the floor at his touch. Her fever was really messing with her head "You didn't have to do that."

"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to and I'm not taking no for an answer." he smirked, leading her into her bedroom. He gently nudged her down onto the bed and pulled the covers over her before turning his attention to the bags

"I got you some soup." he said, taking the plastic container out of the bag, handing it to her along with a spoon. She took it gratefully. "And some orange juice and another box of tissue, which I'm glad I did" he said eyeing her nearly empty box and pulled out a bottle of Nyquil.

"You're the best." she said with a smile

"I know" he said, a cocky smirk forming on his lips "Eat you food and then I'll dope you up with this when you're finished." he joked, setting the bottle on the nightstand

Yelena wanted to throw her arms around him. No one has ever taken care of her like his.

"I'm going to head back to my room and grab a quick shower and I'll be right back okay."

"Okay" she said, opening the container. He left and she heard the door close behind him and a smile broke out on her face. She ate silently, swallowing without tasting and drinking the rest down, managing to feel warmer after it was done. Randy returned twenty minutes later, dressed in a pair of sweats and a plain white shirt. He threw the empty container away and filled the little cup with two tablespoons of Nyquil. Yelena grimaced as she drank half

"All of it" Randy said sternly

She knocked the rest back with a groan.

"So what are we watching?" he asked climbing into bed next to her

"What are you doing? You can't be in bed with me, you'll get sick too."

"I'm not going to get sick." he objected

"Randy" she whined

"Yelena" he whined back playfully, pulling his shirt over his head.

She was temporarily distracted until she felt a hand tip her chin up. "I'm up here sweetheart."

"I can't get you sick. You can't afford to miss work." she said, ignoring the smirk on his face, noticing that he still had his hand on her face

"I'm not going to get sick. Now" her said picking up the remote "what are we watching?"

She playfully snatched the remote from him and turned it to Family Guy. They watched the show, sharing a few laughs and jokes until Yelena could feel her eyelids grow heavy with sleep

"Tired?" Randy asked

"The drowsiness is getting to me." she said, shivering.

"Are you cold?" he asked, pulling her against his bare chest

If Yelena was in her right mind, she'd be nervous about him touching her this way. He wrapped his arms around her.

"You're burning up" he said, smoothing her hair

"But I'm so cold." she muttered, snuggling closer, stealing his body heat "Thank you for tonight, Randy. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I expect you to return the favor when you're better."

She nodded as she dozed off. She slept like a baby. Unbeknownst to her, her phone, which was switched 'silent' on the nightstand, had received three text messages.

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