Thanksgiving Pt. 2

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Randy woke up with a splitting headache. He wasn't sure what time he had crawled into bed next to Yelena. He had gotten so smashed, he wasn't even sure how the hell he made it back to her place. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was nine a.m. How the hell was he even up this early? A horrible noise sounded from somewhere in the large condo, making him wince. Ah. That's why he was up. He stumbled out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a leak and brush his teeth before venturing out of the bedroom. 

The horrendous noise got louder the closer he got to the kitchen. Yelena stood in front of a electric mixer, her hair in a messy ponytail, looking as gorgeous as ever. How this woman managed to look so damn good in the morning was a secret only she knew.

"Morning." he said, placing his hands on either side of the counter behind her and kissed the side of her neck.

She didn't respond as she dumped a bowl of strawberries out onto the large wooden cutting board. She pulled a large knife from the block and Randy couldn't help but swallow nervously as she diced the fruit with expert precision

"Yelena." he tried gently

"Yes?" she said emotionlessly

"Are you upset with me?" he asked, taking her by the hips and turning her around so she was facing him

"Why on Earth would I be mad at you Randy?" she asked, playing with the tip of the large knife she was holding with ease, not meeting his eye

"Put the knife down and we can talk about this." he half joked. She was truly making him nervous with that thing

"Don't you know better than to joke with a woman with a knife in her hands?" she shot at him, her voice laced with annoyance, despite the smirk playing on her lips

"Are we fighting?" he asked cutely

"Randy" she warned

He held his hands up in mock surrender

"You told me you weren't going to be out late. You promised you'd help me and I was looking forward to this being as painless as possible. You know that I'm very stressed out about today and you staying out all night with Mike didn't help the matter."

"I tried to tell Mike I couldn't be out too late, he wasn't having it." Randy tried lamely

"Oh, trust me, Mike is getting a tongue lashing when I see him." she promised "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish this up." she said, turning back to her task

"Babe." he said, wrapping his arms around her waist "I can still help." he said in her ear sweetly "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

"You want to know what you can do?" she asked

He set his chin on her shoulder nodding

"You can get out of my kitchen." she told him

Randy groaned "Yelena." he whined, turning his blue eyes heavenward

"I'm serious. Out. Go watch ESPN or something." she said over her shoulder

He stopped just where the tiled floor met the carpet "You're really going to kick me out?" he asked smartly

She turned, to him "Do I look like I'm joking with you Randall?"

He stepped towards her, a snide remark on his tongue but stopped short when she held the knife up defensively

"Try me." she said, mischief glittering in her green eyes

"I'll... be in the living room if you need me." he told her begrudgingly

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