I'm Gonna Give All My Secrets Away

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Hands reached out for her, but she cringed away from them

"Yelena what happened? What's wrong?" Wade asked, kneeling down in front of her. She didn't look up at him, but he could tell by the way she was shaking that she was afraid. "What can I do? Tell me what I can do to help." her green orbs met his blue ones, filled with tears

"Phil... please find Phil for me." she cried, wrapping her arms around herself

"I will. I'll be right back just stay right here." he said. She nodded and he turned to leave

"Wade" she called, making him backtrack

"What is it?"

"Please don't tell Randy. Please" she begged

He nodded and retreated down the hall in search of Punk. After running around the building like a mad man, he found him, returning from the ring where he had just had a match

"Hey Wade, what's up?" he asked, taking a sip from a bottle of water

"You need to come with me." he said, out of breathe "It's Yelena, she's-"

"Where is she?" he asked hurriedly

"This way." he said motioning for him to follow. He led the Straight Edge Superstar to the deserted hallway and found the storage crate where Yelena was, still bawling.

Phil dropped down to his knees and folded her into his arms "What's wrong? What happened?" he asked, taking her face into his hands. He tried to calm her down the best he could, but he could tell whatever had happened, it had really shaken her up "Yelena, tell me who did this. Just give me a name and I'll fix it, I fucking swear." he promised. He hated seeing her like this and whoever was the cause of it was going to be in a world of hurt.

She tried to slow her breathing enough so she could speak and reluctantly gave him a name, knowing that she would regret it later. Phil wiped her tears before standing

"Take her to my dressing room. I'll be right back." he said to Wade, anger radiating through his body. He noticed the red welts on her neck and had to restrain himself from losing it. He was going to murder him.

"Phil, please don't-" she cried

"I'll handle it. Don't worry" he said harshly. Not too many thing rattled him, but when a man put his hands on a defenseless woman half his size, it did something to him that could not be put into words. "Take her." he repeated to Wade.

The Englishman nodded, bending down and offering her his hand. She hesitantly took it and let him lead her away, glancing back at Punk one last time. He shot her a weak wave, encouraging her onward as she went. When they disappeared around the corner, a scowl graced his features as he walked with determination to the Men's Locker Room. By the time he got there, he was practically shaking with anger. He threw the door open forcefully, the sound of broken plaster hitting the floor echoed around the room and everyone stared at him.

"Where the hell is he?" he roared, scanning the room for the unlucky face he was looking for. He was going to kill that son of a bitch for hurting her. She was innocent and he should have known better. He was going to get his hands on him if it was the last thing he did.

"Take it easy Phil." Zach said "What's wrong?"

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" he yelled, kicking a condemned chair out of his way. It flew across the room and hit the wall with a loud clang

A few Superstars left the room to avoid his wrath, knowing that they didn't want to be in his path or around when he found who he was looking for.

"Where is who, man?" Kofi asked. He could tell by the deep shade of red his friend's face was that he meant business. He had only seen Phil this angry a handful of times, and he knew that there was no amount of talking that could calm him when he was beyond pissed off "Who are you looking for?"

"Chris fucking Jericho" he snarled " If you see him, let him know I'm looking for him"

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