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Aksana sat in the hotel's restaurant eating a Cobb salad and reading the new issue of WWE Magazine. She took a sip of her yummy margarita and flipped the page when someone slide into the empty seat across from her

"Hey there."

"Phillip." he dark-haired Diva greeted, not bothering to look up from her magazine "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I just came over to say hello. How about this weather we're having?" Punk asked charmingly

"Phil, we're in California. The weather is pretty much always the same."

"Okay, you caught me. I came over here to ask you something."

"Proceed" she said, taking another sip of her perfectly blended beverage before licking the tip of her finger and flipping another page

"It's about Yelena, actually." he said, nervously scratching his ear

That caught her attention. She looked up at him, kirking a perfectly arched eyebrow "Oh?"

"Yeah. Yelena and I... we're what you could call close friends if not best friends. We all know you're her best friend." he said with a snarky smile and she agreed, giving him a nod to go on "And naturally, I notice things about my friends, whether it be big or small. I've noticed lately that Yelena... doesn't really..." he trailed, trying to choose his words wisely "eat as much as she should?"

Aksana traced the salt-covered rim of her glass "You noticed that huh?"

"So I'm not the only one?" Punk breathed, relieved

"No." Aksana admitted, growing quiet

"So... why is it that she's like that?"

Aksana's face became indecisive as she contemplated rather or not she should tell him, knowing Lena would not be pleased, but the way she saw it was Punk was her friend and he needed to know these things about her.

"Yeah, she's... been to rehab for an eating disorder" she finally said, wincing at how bad it sounded coming out of her mouth

"An eating disorder?" Phil repeated, trying to hide his shock

"Yeah. It started in high school and she's been in and out a few times ever since. Her family was pretty determined to fix her"

"Which one?" he asked

"Both" Aksana answered, knowing he meant which disorder

"Wow..." he whispered, letting it sink in "At least she had her family to support her through it."

A sarcastic laugh fell from the Lithuanian Diva's lips "Yeah, if you call putting her down 'support'. Her mother and her older sister were the reason she kept having to go back."

"What do you mean?" Punk inquired

"I've already said too much. Trust me. You'd have to meet them in order to understand, but it doesn't matter. She's gotten a lot better and that's all I care about. She occasionally slips back into her bad habits like going all day without eating, but the bulimia is pretty much under control. I try to keep her on the right path."

"You're a good friend" he said honestly

"I try." she said with a smile "If you notice her not eating or picking at food, try not to make it too obvious that you know. Don't tell her I told you. I only found out because I just so happened to come across her crying. We were staying with her witch of a mother at the time." she said, rolling her eyes

"My lips are sealed." Punk promised, locking his mouth with an imaginary key before throwing it over his shoulder

"Good. Now go away so I can enjoy my dinner in peace." she said, shooing him

"Well, I know when I'm not wanted." he said, getting up from the table "Later" he waved

Phil went on about his business, but he couldn't get Yelena out of his head. Of course he wasn't going to treat her any different now that he knew about her problem. Everyone had their own personal demons they struggle with every day. He just hope she would be able to break free from hers one day

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