Under A Microscope

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"Thanks for the photo girls" Yelena said. She had just took a photo of Kelly Kelly and Layla on their way to the ring. she had spent majority of the night snapping pictures on her new IPhone and posting them on Instagram throughout the show and she had to admit, she was having fun. She managed to get a few good shots of Dolph performing his signature headstand and another of Eve in full assistant mode before she went out to cut a promo with Big Show. As she was going another lap around she heard a familiar voice say

"You look like you're enjoying your new job."

Yelena wasn't surprised to see Phil falling into step beside her. He wore a snug Under Armor shirt and a pair of sweats over his ring gear. A beanie covered his dark hair and a pair of Beats headphones were around his neck.

"I am."

"How come the WWE Champion hasn't gotten his photo taken tonight?"

"Because the WWE Champion has been too busy making fun of his boss to take a silly picture for me."

"Oh please, clown shoes isn't more important than taking a picture for my favorite photographer. Here, take this." he said striking his a relaxed pose, holding up a fist. Yelena snapped the photo.

"Perfect. You're so photogenic" she said, uploading the photo to Instagram

"I try." he said, modestly "So I heard that Randy is about to shoot a promo in Clown Shoes' office. A perfect opportunity for a photo op" he sing songed

"You're a peach." she said racing off in the direction on John Laurenitis' office. When she got there, the camera man was still setting up. She smiled when Randy walked in with Sheamus. He sent her a wave and a wink and she had to calm the way her heartbeat picked up. Alberto Del Rio wasn't far behind him and Yelena froze when she saw who entered the room last. Their eyes met for a brief second before he turned to Alberto and they struck up a conversation. Yelena chewed her lip nervously and went to stand behind the camera man so she wouldn't be in the way. Laurenitis took his place and they began filming. The four men argued briefly and Yelena snapped a quick photo before the brawl broke out, Sheamus and Randy getting the upper hand

"And cut!" said the camera man. Yelena tried to discretely slip out of the room unnoticed, but Randy called her name

"Hey." he said when he reached her

"Hi" she said nervously

"Did you get a good shot?" he asked, glancing at her camera screen

"Yeah, I got a pretty good one" she said, showing the picture to him. She captured it just right. The four men were in an intense stare down. "This one is going on Instagram."

"You are definitely an a genius with a camera." he said

"Thanks" she said smiling, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him staring at interaction she was having with Randy and she was starting to feel nervous under his gaze. He was watching her with a look of confusion annoyance on his face

"Yelena?" Randy said, snapping her out of it


"I asked if you were alright. You seem so far away."

"Yeah, I'm just... a bit tired. I've been up since five a.m."

"Well make sure you get some rest tonight so you're energized for tomorrow night." he said with a smile, lightly touching her forearm. "I'll catch you later?"

"Yeah. I'll see you around." she said, watching him leave. When she turned her attention to where he was, she found the he was gone. She didn't like the look he was giving her while she was talking to Randy. She tried not to dwell on it and got back to her job. It's not like he could be upset. She wasn't exactly his girlfriend. She thought about how their relationship came to be. She had just had a heated conversation with her mother and went downstairs to the bar for a drink. She wasn't big on alcohol other than a glass of wine here and there but after that conversation, she had desperately needed something strong. She was sitting at the bar, sulking when someone slid into the bar stool next to her


"Jack and Coke" he told the bartender, before turning his attention to her "and a refill on whatever the pretty lady is having." he said, flashing a megawatt smile.

"Thanks." she said, downing the rest of her drink before the bartender returned with her fresh one. The burn of the Vodka she was drinking radiated through her chest.

"No problem. You looked like you needed it." he said, taking a sip from his glass

"You work for the company, right?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm a photographer."

"Well I'm sure I don't have to tell you who I am." he said with a smug smile

"Of course not." she said. He asked her her name

"Yelena" she said, sticking out her hand.

"Nice to meet you" he said, shaking it

When she went to let go, his grip remained as he gently stroked his thumb across her's. For some odd reason, her heart skipped. They talked for a while about work. He signaled for the bartender for more drinks every time he saw that her glass was getting empty and before she knew it, she way drunk and giggling at everything he was saying to her. She hadn't noticed that his hand had somehow found its way to her thigh but she wasn't complaining. He was sexy as hell and it had been a while since a guy flirted with her

"Someone's a little tipsy." he said, stroking her thigh

"I am" she giggled, loving the sensation. Who the hell cared that she didn't know him. She knew enough about him.

"Maybe you should head back to your room."

"Maybe I should." she said, hopping down from the stool. She swayed slightly and strong arms caught her and she righted herself. She took a few steps before she turned around "Aren't you coming?" she giggled. He shot her a naughty grin before he downed the rest of his drink, threw a few bills on the bar, and followed her


She remembered waking up with a killer headache the next morning and the bed empty beside her. She couldn't believe she had slept with him. She was not one to mix business with pleasure, but she had to admit, she had needed a good roll in the hay. She was surprised to find a note on the pillow. It read:

Give me a call when you need someone to put a smile on your face

His number was scribbled on the bottom. She smiled to herself, feeling like a teenager. Despite the fact that she had slept with him, she really did want to get to know him. Too bad her hopes were all in vain. When they met again, there was no talking involved. He had immediately directed her to his bed. When she tried to talk to him after they were finished, he simply brushed her off, telling her he wasn't one to talk about personal things. She should have taken that as a sign, but she ignored it. Finally after sleeping with him for a month, she built up the courage and asked him where she stood while they were lying in bed after yet another rendezvous.

"We're just having fun right? I thought we were both getting what we wanted." he said, putting one arm behind his head

"I know but-"

"Hey, I'm not sleeping with anyone else. Are you?" he asked, his blue eyes boring into her's

"No, I just-"

"Then that's all the promise we both need."

"I just-"

"Let's not rush it. Whatever happens, happens okay?" he said, cutting her off for the last time

"Yeah." was all she said

"Good." he said, kissing her forehead before rolling over and going to sleep.

That was three months ago. She was starting to lose hope that he would take things further. She was willing to commit so why couldn't he? She shook her head to clear her thoughts and carried on about her business. She had a job to do after all.

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