Certified Hot Mess

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Yelena groaned, shielding her eyes from the blinding strip of sun peaking through the curtains. Sitting up, she took in her surroundings. Phil was dead to the world next to her and Rosa and Mike were spooning in the bed next to theirs. The night before came rushing back to her, making her head pound. What a mess she was last night. She hadn't gotten that drunk in a long time and god only knows what crazy antics she and Rosa pulled. Her stomach rolled and she scurried to the bathroom and made it to the toilet in time to see all the alcohol she consumed make a reappearing act. She heaved violently, and after a while, felt a hand pull her hair back away from her face and pat her back. After blowing chunks for what seemed like an eternity, she felt somewhat human again

Punk left her side to fetch a glass of water and an Excederin, handing it to her.

"Thanks" she said, knocking the pill back and guzzling down the water

"No problem" he told her

"So.. on a scale of one to ten, how bad was I?" she asked him

"One to ten? An eleven"

Yelena groaned embarrassingly "I'm so sorry"

"Its all good. Rosa outdid you by a landslide. She was a certified hot mess"

They exited the bathroom and Yelena followed him back to the bedroom, where Mike was still in a semi-compromising position with Rosa

Yelena yanked open the curtains and Mike and Rosa let out an annoyed groan of protest

"Ew, what the hell Mike!" Rosa shrieked, springing upright in bed as she shoved him off the edge, sending him crashing to the floor

"What the hell is your problem?!" Mike yelled

"I don't appreciate waking up to your morning happiness pressed against my ass!" Ros yelled back, hitting him with a pillow

"Don't flatter yourself. I can't control it and even if I could, your ass would be the last thing I would want to press up against. Maryse Ouellet you are not" he said dryly

Punk and Yelena watched as they bickered back and forth, amused. Usually it was she and Mike who would be doing the arguing, but on the outside looking in, she saw how they must look to others and it was pretty funny

Mike picked himself up off of the floor and stormed past them into the bathroom, slamming the door

"He's quiet the charmer in the morning, isn't he?" Punk chuckled

"Fuck you, Brooks!" Mike yelled from behind the closed door

Yelena gathered her clothes from the floor "We should go get another key" she said, shaking Rosa who rose sleepily and slid her jeans on

Phil tossed a pair of sweatpants to Yelena and she slid them on under the giant Ramones shirt she was wearing. She thanked him and told him they would meet them downstairs for breakfast in an hour. The girls rode the elevator downstairs and Yelena got a new key for her room and they ventured back upstairs to their room. Rosa groggily grabbed some fresh clothes and went into the bathroom, muttering something about washing Mike's grossness off of her. Twenty minutes later she emerged, awake and looking refreshed

"Thanks for using up all the hot water" Yelena said dryly

"Denada" Rosa said, shooting her a smile

While she waited on the water, she plugged her dead phone up to the charger. When it powered on, she noted that she had three missed calls from her mother and one new text. A smile crept onto her face

Morning beautiful


It was sent five minutes ago, so she wasn't too late at replying

Morning. How are you?


Fine on my way to the gym. Just wanted to check up on you. What are you up to?


Nothing much, about to have breakfast with Mike, Punk, and Rosa


"Who are you texting?" Rosa asked, peeking over at the screen

"Randy" the brunette said

Tell the loud mouths I said hello. I'll catch you later ;-)


Kay. Later :-)


"What's going on with you two?"

"Nothing! We're friends" Yelena said. It wasn't a lie. She and Randy weren't exclusive

"That smile on your face doesn't say nothing!"

"It's... complicated." Yelena told her

"Why? Because of the other guy? Trust me chica, I've been there and done that. So let me take a wild guess: He's keeping the relationship a secret?" Rosa asked, dead on

"How'd you know?" Yelena asked

"Becuase I've been you at a point in time. My 'secret guy' was Dave Batista."

Yelena did not need to be told about the womanizing Dave Batista. Before leaving the company, he screwed anything with a pretty face, but she hadn't known that Rosa was one of them

"Don't let a great guy like Randy get away. He's a keeper and those are hard to find these days. So if whoever you're dealing with behind close doors is not willing to commit, it's time to kick his ass to the curb"

Yelena let her words sink in "Thanks for not pushing" she said hugging her. She knew that if she told Aksana, she wouldn't understand, so it was nice talking to someone who knew what it was like.

"No problem. Now hurry up and shower. I'm starving"

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