The Photo Shoot

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"Okay, AJ, now lower your head just a little. Good, now lean towards me a little. Great" Yelena coached

The small Diva complied while still holding the position that Yelena put her in.

"Okay now step a little harder on Bryan." she told her

"Like this?" AJ asked, digging her heels deeper into the rope tied around Bryan's upper body

"Ouch." he groaned in protest

AJ rolled her eyes "Suck it up you pansy."

"Great, not give me a devious smile." Yelena said, standing over the photographers shoulder

"Like this?" AJ asked, giving her the exact look she wanted

"Perfect. Now Bryan, I want you to yell like you're really about to be hit by this train, but with a smile." Yelena ordered

Bryan let out a yell, causing AJ's lips to turn upward into a perfect combination of a devious bitch and a sweet angel.

"Snap that." Yelena told the photographer, who obeyed.

Over the past three hours she had had a mix up with AJ's wardrobe, numerous prop malfunctions, and all without a single drop of coffee. She was pretty sure if she didn't get some caffeine and soon, she was going to seriously injure someone

"That's a wrap! Great job everyone." Yelena called to the staff

The crew all cheered happily. While she was checking the proofs, AJ appeared beside her

"Oh my god, they're amazballs!" she squealed. "Do you think they'll like it?" she asked

Yelena could tell that AJ was nervous, this being her first major photo shoot and all. She gave her a reassuring smile "They're going to love it."

"Yeah, I'm sure everyone will love seeing me tied up and about to be railroad kill." Bryan said as a costume hand unraveled the thick rope from around his upper half

"Well you deserve it. You got to break up with me on national television."

"Touché." the bearded man agreed with his on-screen ex-girlfriend "These pictures are amazing Yelena. You are truly a genius." he said, looking at the pictures himself

"Thank you." Yelena said humbly "it was a pleasure working with both of you

They wrapped up the shoot and after AJ was de-costumed, the two grabbed lunch before heading back to the hotel. Once back in her room, she spent the next few hours emailing everything out to its designated personnel. Around seven, she ordered room service for dinner: Sirloin steak and a baked potato, the hotel's special and sat crossed legged on her bed, watching Family Guy. Her phone rang ten minutes into the show and she picked up without glancing at the I.D.

"Hello?" she said, her mouth full of potato

"Hey beautiful."

Yelena almost choked at the sound of Randy's smooth voice

"Randy. Hey, how are you?" she asked, clearing her throat to dislodge the vegetable. She swallowed a large amount of water as he responded

"I'm doing okay. I just turned on the TV and saw that Family Guy was on and thought of you. How was the photo shoot?" he asked

Yelena launched into the tail of how her day went and how many malfunctions she and the crew had went through before they got the money shot they had needed

"Sounds like you had a pretty hectic day." he laughed

"I did. So how was your day?" she asked

He told her about how he went to visit his parents and the rest of his family. She loved how he talked about how happy they were to see their oldest child. Randy also had siblings: A brother and a sister and from what he had told her, they got along well. She wished she and her sisters were like that. Randy had also recently told her the story of what it was like growing up as a wrestler's son and only having one parent majority of the time. Yelena sympathized for him, but she knew that he and his father were as close as ever, kind of like her and her father. They talked a lot about his family, but Yelena omitted some details about her own, telling him he would have to meet them in order to understand. They eventually settled on the subject of the show they were currently watching.

"What the hell is up with everyone treating Meg like shit?" Randy asked, making Yelena crack up

"So why is it that Stewie talkes to Lois like that and she just brushes him off?" Randy asked, laughing as Stewie yelled obscenities at his mother and she simply diagnosed it as him being cranky and needing a nap

"Because to her, he's only talking baby talk. No one really understands what he's saying except Brian. You seriously didn't know that?" she laughed at him

"No! I had no idea. This makes me look at this show totally different. Wow I feel like a dumbass."

"Hey, you said I didn't." Yelena joked

"Hey now, that's not nice."

Yelena could practically see the pout on his face "Aww, I'm sorry." she laughed

They watched the rest of the show, commenting on Peter's idiocy and agreeing that Quagmire was a douchebag. They talked about what's been happening on the road and Yelena got him up to date on their friends

"Your pictures are becoming a must-see on Instagram these days. You're missing a certain person though."

"I'm sure his female fans are very unhappy about his absence, but don't worry. He'll get all his Instagram glory when he returns." she said with a smile

"I hope so." Randy said

Before they knew it, it was almost one a.m. Yelena let out a yawn.

"Someone's sleepy. I guess I'll talk to you soon. I'm glad that your voice is the last one I get to hear before I go to bed. I miss you, Yelena"

Yelena had to stop her smile from growing wider at his confession

"I'm glad that your voice was my last to hear too. And I miss you too Randy" she admitted

"Goodnight sweetheart." he said

"Goodnight." she said softly

They hung up and Yelena turned out the lights and pulled back the covers and snuggled into bed, Randy weighing heavily on her mind as she succumbed to sleep

Randy lay back in bed, an arm behind his head. He was telling the truth when he had said he missed her. Not a day went by when she wasn't on his mind. 

He missed seeing her shy smile and the blush that spreads across her cheeks when he touches her. He missed the way she bickered back and forth with Mike and he especially missed looking into her breathtaking green orbs, but most of all, he missed the way her pupils dilated when he touched his forehead to hers and how he could hear her breathing hitch when he leaned in to kiss her. Phil was right. It was like they were meant to be together. 

Randy was glad he ran into that day in Cleveland. It was like fate and he was destined to be with her, but underneath those green eyes was a deep secret. He could tell by the way she always seemed to second guess responding to his touch, shying away with a soft smile, but Randy was a man bent on earning her trust, therefore, cracking the code to her heart.

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