That Girl Is Hell In Heels

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She woke up with a start, forgetting where she was for a second before realizing she was on Rosa's couch. Seth stirred under her and she untangled her legs from his, blushing. She had slept so comfortably with a guy she barely knew. Not a first, but it was still weird for her. She noticed the blanket thrown over them. When had that gotten there?

"Morning buddy." Seth yawned with a sleepy smile

"Morning." Yelena laughed "Nice bedhead" she grinned

"I could say the same to you." he laughed

She sat up, running a hand through her messy hair and he did the same, stretching his long arms over his head

"Well, I usually don't sleep with a girl on the first night." he teased, waggling his eyebrows

Yelena let out a laugh. Seth was alright with her and she could tell they were going to be good friends

She got up and put a pot of coffee on and located the asprin, knowing it would be needed before going to grab her things for a shower from the guest bedroom. She slipped in without a sound and grabbed her clothes for the day and hopped into the shower. When she was showered and dressed, she pulled her damp hair into a ponytail and padded to the kitchen to start breakfast: pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, omelettes, and french toasts. Seth came in while she was pulling out a stack of plates and glasses, setting them on the counter

"It smells great in here"

"Thanks. The coffee is done. Breakfast will be finished in a second." she said, handing him a mug

Mike and Phil wondered in, Mike looking like death and Phil his chipper self

"Smells like heaven in here" he said, kissing her cheek, while one hand snatched a slice of bacon from a plate

She swatted at him as he shoved it in his mouth ad went to retrieve the orange juice from the fridge

Rosa came in, freshly showered and dressed, followed by AJ, who muttered what sounded like a good morning and went for the coffee

"Who told you to take over my kitchen?" Rosa teased "Maybe I wanted to cook breakfast"

"Please woman, we all know you can't do anything but boil water." Mike snorted

"Breakfast is served ladies and gents." Yelena told them, spooning some of the eggs onto two plates and the rest into a big bowl before smartly moving out of the way of the herd of animals charging at the food. Dean and Roman were the only two not up yet so she decided to take their breakfast to them. She taped Dean gently, setting his food on the coffee table along with a fork. He woke up and smiled a her before grabbing his plate and tucking in

"Damn, marry me?" he said around a mouthful of eggs

"Mmmm nah" she laughed, going over to Roman. She was about to shake him but Dean stopped her

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. A man his size wakes up swingin' when he's woken up the wrong way"

Yelena took in his words and pondered on it before putting the plate of food under the big Samoan's nose. She watched as one gray eye peeked open and then the other, taking in the sight of the food before turning up to look at her with a smile

"You are an angel." he said thankfully, taking the plate and fork from her

"I'm offended. How come I never get a response like that when I wake you up?" Dean laughed

"Because you're not half as pretty as she is, asshole."

"Dick." Ambrose laughed

Yelena chuckled "I'll be back with your OJ" she said, going back into the kitchen

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