No One Goes Through Life Without Scars

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Yelena watched from across the table as her best friend took another bite of the B.L.T. she was eating. Her mouth watered and her stomach growled loudly. Thank god for the buzz of chatter going on around them or her stomach's protests would have been heard loud and clear.

The Lithuanian Diva stuck a few fries into some ketchup and popped them into her mouth. When she looked up, she caught her staring at her plate longingly.

"Do you want the rest?" she offered

"No thanks." Yelena said, speaking before she could think. Fried food was the last thing she needed. "You finish your food." she took another sip from her water bottle, hoping it would shut her stomach up.

"Please, if I eat any more, I'll explode. I shouldn't be eating this at all if I want to look in my new gear." Aksana countered, pushing the plate to the center of the table.

"I shouldn't" Yelena protested, twisting the end of her hoodie's sleeve.

"Are you kidding me? I haven't seen you eat anything all day. You must be starving."

It was true. Yelena hadn't had anything since this morning when she had grabbed the banana for breakfast. She was pretty much running on fumes, but Aksana didn't know that

"Have you eaten anything today?"

"Of course I have." Yelena answered defensively, knowing where this conversation was going. She could feel a lecture coming on and was not in the mode. She bowed her head, avoiding Aksana's eye, knowing that she was watching her.

"You can't keep doing this, Lena." Aksana said

"Don't" Yelena said dryly

Aksana sighed in frustration and pushed the plate of food in front of her best friend

"Eat." she demanded

Yelena let out a frustrated groan of her own as she picked up a fry and shoved it into her mouth. Seeing that Aksana was still not convinced, she picked up the half eaten sandwich and took a few bites. She had to stop herself from sighing contently at the taste. Once she had finished the whole thing, she picked up another fry and popped it into her mouth. Swallowing, she turned her eyes back to the Diva across from her

"What's made you start this again?" Aksana asked, eyes softening at the conflicted look that graced Yelena's features.

"I... I had dinner with my mother and sister last night before the show." Yelena confessed, bowing her head again

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?"

Yelena shook her head reluctantly

"Do you want to talk about it?" Aksana asked gently

She shook her head again. Aksana started to say something, but was interrupted by a stagehand telling her she was needed. She rounded the table and hugged her friend tightly

"Whatever she said to you, ignore it. She isn't worth it. Don't let her ruin all of the progress you've made."

"Thanks Z." Yelena said. She was so grateful to have a best friend who cared so much about her.

"Any time, konfetka."

Yelena watched as her best friend scurried off with the stagehand and sighed. Her phone chimed in her pocket, signaling a new text

Can we talk?

She typed a quick reply



Stop by the locker room

Yelena chewed her bottom lip nervously. She hadn't heard or seen from him since that night in his hotel room. She stood up and tossed the paper plate of uneaten fries into a nearby garbage can and went in search of the men's locker room. She knew how he hated to be kept waiting.

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