Word Vomit

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Yelena paced her room, running a shaky hand through her messy hair as she hit redial for the sixth time. She let out a frustrated cry when it didn't ring and went straight to voicemail. She let it play out until she heard a beep

"Chris, please" she sobbed "I've been calling you for days. Please call me back so we can talk about this. Call me." she pleaded, on the brink of tears as she hung up. She fell face down onto her bed and sobbed. 

She had been crying for the past two days since Over The Limit. Chris had yet to call her and she hadn't seen Phil, too afraid to face him. She heard about an altercation between a few Superstars and didn't even have to ask who was involved and now Chris was ignoring her. She had shamefully avoided Phil and Randy for the past two days like a coward. She had to work a house show tonight and she wasn't sure how she was going to avoid them the whole night. 

A loud knock sounded on her hotel room door. She tip toed to the door and looked through the peephole

"Fuck me" she muttered. So much for hiding

"Yelena! Open up, I know you're in there!" he yelled from the other side of the door

She reluctantly opened the door. Phil stood there, arms folded across his chest, frowning down at her. She noticed the bruise below his eye immediately

She dropped her own eyes to the floor as she let him in and followed him to the couch. He sat down, patting the seat next to him and she sat. She twisted the sleeve of her hoodie nervously, avoiding his gaze

"I've been calling you." he finally said

"I know." she said lowly. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he ran a hand over his face, resting his elbows on his knees

"I think you have some explaining to do."

"Do I?" she asked grimly

"You do." he confirmed, sitting back "Start from the beginning."

The words tumbled from her mouth as she told him the story of how they met. He listened intently and didn't interrupt as she explained their "relationship". She could tell that he was growing angrier by the second as she watched his fist clench and unclench when she told him about what happened two days ago.

"Has he tried to contact you since?" he asked

"He won't return my calls." she said forlornly

"Wait, whoa. Hold on a sec. He won't return your call? You've been trying to call him? he asked incredulously

"I have to talk to him, to explain-"

"You don't have to explain a fucking thing to him. You did nothing wrong and frankly, you don't owe him shit!"

"He was angry, he didn't mean it."

"No, Yelena. Don't do that. Don't defend what he did. You didn't see the way you looked when I found you. You were scared out of your mind."

"He didn't mean to hurt me Phil. He's never done it before."

"But he's done it now. I thought you were smarter than this. Please tell me you're not considering going back to him. He put his hands on you once. Don't think for one second that he won't do it again."

"He won't. And I can take care of myself" she said, a hint of edge in her voice. Phil's olive green eyes burned holes into her for a full thirty seconds until she looked away and he stood

"I hope for his sake that you're right" he threw over his shoulder as he left, slamming the door behind him

Great. Not only did she have Chris to worry about, now Phil was pissed at her. She couldn't win to lose.

She miraculously made it through the whole show without running into Randy. She was walking into the lobby, feeling dead on her feet from lack of sleep. A hand touched her shoulder and she flinched, whirling around. Wade stood before her, his hands raised

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, love"

She released a shaky breath, running her fingers through her hair "It's okay. I've been a little on edge lately." she said, shooting him a sad smile

"How have you been? I haven't seen you around." he asked, walking her towards the elevator

"I've been better." she admitted "I haven't been sleeping too well"

Wade gave her a sympathetic look. She could tell he wanted to say more, but thought against it

"I never got to thank you... for Sunday." she said softly

"It wasn't a problem. I'm glad I could help."

She pressed the call button for the elevator and waited silently. When the door slid open they stepped on. He pressed the button for his floor along with hers. The ride was silent. When the elevator stopped on her floor, she stepped off, shooting him a parting glance

"If you ever want to talk... I'm here" he offered

"Thank you...goodnight Wade" she said, managing a small smile

"Good night sweetheart." he said as the doors closed.

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