I Don't Get Drunk, I Get Awesome

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7:34 a.m.

Chris slipped a clean shirt over his head. He had just gotten out of the shower and was quietly getting dressed, careful not to make any noise so he wouldn't wake up Yelena. He had an appearance to go to in the next hour and he was late, so he was in a bit of a rush. After he was fully dressed, he crept over to the bed where the brunette was sleeping soundly and sat on the edge beside her. He spent the night in her room and they hadn't dosed off to sleep until the early morning and after a quickie before he finally got out of bed, she was out like a light. Poor thing. He really had tired her out. Placing a small kiss on her bare shoulder, he swept the halo of hair from her face before kissing her softly on the forehead. She let out a soft moan, but did not wake. Chris felt like he could watch her sleep forever, but with a quick glance at his phone, he knew he had to leave her. He brushed his lips to her forehead one last time before leaving without a sound.

Yelena was roused out of her slumber four hours later by a knock on her door. She sat up with a yawn, noticing that the bed was empty next to her. She slipped out of bed, wrapping herself in the sheet and went to open the door.

"Rise and shine, bella dermiente. I brought you lunch. Where are your clothes?" Rosa said, cheerfully as she came in, a bag from Panera Bread in hand.

Yelena shut the door behind her and followed her into the living room area.

Rosa dropped the bag on the coffee table. The bed could be seen from couch. The Latina took in the sight of the rumpled sheets. Both pillows were dented and she spied a empty box of condoms on the nightstand along with a handful of torn wrappers on the floor Whirling around around, she sent a cheeky smirk at the brunette

Yelena bowed her head to hide her blush. She knew that Rosa was no fool and could put two and two together and come to a conclusion of what had happened in this room

"Don't say it" Yelena said, covering her face

"You slept with someone last night?" Rosa asked "Who was it? Anyone I know?"

"I'd rather not say" Yelena said, going over and picking up the condom wrappers and box, throwing them in the trash

"Oh come on! You can tell me! I won't tell anyone, I swear"

"I would, but he doesn't want everyone to know. We're not technically together"

"Ahh. So it's just sex?"

"Just sex." Yelena agreed

Rosa grinned at her and Yelena couldn't help but to grin back

"Is the sex good?" Rosa couldn't resist asking

"Mind blowing" Yelena admitted

"Then that's all that matters" Rosa laughed

They ate and watched TV and halfway through an episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians", Rosa's phone rang. She picked it up off of the coffee table, glancing at the I.D before rolling her eyes and putting it back

"Is that your fiancé?" Yelena asked

"Yup." Rosa said, spearing a piece of lettuce from her salad with her fork

Her phone continued to ring for the next hour until she finally shut it off

"So do you want to go out with me tonight? Just us?" Rosa asked

"Sure, but why just us?"

"No reason. I just want to let loose without any judgement. Let me warn you: I have lot of steam to blow off and I'm planning on getting shitfaced"

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