To Pepsi Wishes and Converse Dreams

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"To the Crazy Chick!" Mike yelled, giving a toast "and Goat Face, of course!" he snorted, patting Bryan on the shoulder good-naturedly

"A cute Goat Face, no less." Brie Bella, Bryan's real girlfriend cooed, kissing the tip of his nose

The usual gang were at a local bar in New Jersey, not far from AJ's home town. Yelena and Phil had planned a small get together for the small diva and the bearded man to celebrate the poster and the up and coming pay-per-view. A lot of AJ's friends and a few family members came to show their support for her.

Everyone raised their glasses to AJ and Bryan and drank. Yelena slipped over to AJ's side and gave her a one armed hug

"Thanks again for this." AJ said.

"It's no problem at all" Yelena said, sipping her beer. She noticed Mike waving her over to where the guys were surrounding the pool table "Come on." she gestured and AJ followed. They approached the testosterone-filled area cautiously

"Hey Thing One and Thing Two. How about a game?" Mike asked, twirling a cue in between his fingers "Girls against boys. What do you say?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows at them

The two small women shared a look and smirked at one another, a silent message being passed.

"What are the stakes?" AJ asked

"Loser buys the drinks for the rest of the night." Mike said with an amused grin.

"Yes, let's bet for more alcohol." Punk snorted, downing the rest of his Pepsi

"Deal." AJ, grabbing a cue stick and Yelena followed suit "So, who's your partner? I hope you chose wisely" she said, crossing one Converse over the other as she leaned on the stick

"He did." the bleach blonde quipped in

Yelena and AJ turned their heads in the direction of the voice and was met with the sight of Nick Nemeth, better know as Dolph Ziggler

Yelena and AJ had a conversation a while back on which of the Superstars where the hottest and came to a mutual agreement that Dolph was in the top ten. The two shared a giggle

"Stop fan girling so we can get this game started." Mike said, rolling his eyes. Yelena had to stop AJ from hitting him over the head with the wooden stick

They paired up and agreed that AJ and Dolph would play the first game and she and Mike would play the second. Dolph set up the balls, turning back to AJ

"Ladies first." he said, chewing on his gum with a smirk

Yelena watched as AJ stared him own, a small smirk playing on her own lips before she turned her attention to the table. She leaned over it, positioning the cue the way she wanted. Yelena fought a laugh when AJ stuck her butt out more than necessary. Dolph was easily distracted, not noticing that she sunk the yellow and green solid balls into one pocket

"Nice shot." Dolph said

"Thanks Ziggs." AJ said, shooting him a grin. She shot a second time and sunk the red ball in. Dolph watched her every move, chewing his gum intently. She missed her third shot and Dolph went around the table and focused on the balls, pondering before he lined up, flexing his arms. Yelena playfully rolled her eyes and he shot her a wink before hitting, sending a stripe ball into on of the corner holes.

On his second shot, Dolph managed to shoot three balls in one move

"Show off." AJ muttered, rolling her eyes

"Damn right." Dolph said, grinning cockily

They went back and forth. When it was down to the last shot, Dolph stood over AJ's shoulder like a hawk

"No pressure babe." he said, tucking a piece of her sandy brown hair out of her face that had fallen in front of her eyes.

Yelena saw the way AJ tensed and knew that he was distracting her partner on purpose and was having none of it. She went over and sat on the edge of the table where she wouldn't be in the way, which was across from them. 

She decided to do some distracting of her own placing one leg on the table as she sat, exposing the bare flesh of her thigh, mentally thanking Aksana for making her wear the short skirt she bought but never wore. She sipped her beer and smiled at him innocently. When he smirked back, AJ took the opportunity to sink in the last ball

"No way, what the hell was that!" Mike yelled

"What?" Yelena asked innocently

"Don't act like you don't know." he said, snatching the cue stick from Dolph "You lost to a damn girl." he muttered, racking up the balls again and lined up his que, breaking them and sending them every which way. The green solid shot right into the side pocket

"What happened to'Ladies First'?" Yelena asked Mike

"Sorry. In order to be a lady, you have to be this tall in my book." he said, holding his hand up so it was chest leveled with a shit eating grin.

Yelena rolled her eyes as AJ handed her a cue "Shut up and help me you asswipe."

"You mean to tell me that you agreed to this and you can't even play?" he asked incredulously "We've got this in the bag." he said, fist bumping Dolph "Here, I'll help you with the first shot." he said, standing behind her. He positioned the stick for her and helped her shoot, sending a strip ball into the corner pocket.

"Thank you Mike." she said sweetly. She walked around the table to where AJ was "Sucker." she whispered as she walked by, making AJ laugh

She leaned over the table and closed one eye, aiming for the orange stripe ball

Phil snapped his fingers in front of Dolph's face, forcing the younger man's attention away from Yelena's backside.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he growled warningly at the blonde.

Dolph smirked and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of the photographer's ample rear.

Phil shoved him playfully "You better delete that."

"I might. If you tell me if she's seeing anyone."

"Not that I know of." he said timidly. It wasn't a complete lie.

"A girl as beautiful as she is single? Impossible." Dolph said, eyeing the brunette

"Well... she is very close to Randy." Punk told him, not liking the way Dolph was eyeing her like she was a piece of meat. He knew that the Show Off was harmless, but it was his natural instinct to protect her, like he did most of the women he worked with.

Dolph let out a groan and rolled his eyes "Ugh, Orton always gets the good ones. Damn. I couldn't steal her if I wanted to." If it was anyone else, the Hollywood native would have been up for the challenge, but since it was Randy, that was a whole new ball game. "Pitty" Dolph said, leving it alone

"Yup" Punk agreed, feeling accomplished

Yelena aimed for the white ball and hit, sending her last two balls into the side pocket "That's the game boys. I'll have another beer Michael." she said, waving her empty beer bottle t him with a triumphant smirk

"Just a Coke for me, Zigs." AJ said, which caused Phil to pull a disgusted face

Mike rolled his eyes, snatching Yelena's empty bottle from her "You little cheater."

AJ and Yelena shared a giggle. Phil wedged himself in between the two women, draping his arms over their shoulders

"Well kids. I think we're doing alright in the world." Punk said

Mike and Dolph came back with their drinks and handed them to them, Mike with a scowl after losing

"To Pepsi wishes" Punk toasted

"And Converse dreams" AJ added

Yelena laughed, raising her beer bottle "To No Way Out"

They touched their drinks together in cheers and drank

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