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RAW August 6, 2012 San Antonio, Texas

"She spent the night in his room last night and didn't leave until this morning" the Mexican Aristocrat informed

Chris's fist clenched involuntarily and he winced as a shooting pain went up his wrist. He had forgotten about his bruised knuckles, a result of del Rio telling him about the intimate exchange between Yelena and The Viper on the night of his return. He had to admit, his anger took him by surprise. It was almost as if he only saw red and when he came to, realized that he had almost put his fists through his locker. Since then, he was in the darkest of moods. He had it in his right mind to go find her and give her a piece of his mind but thought better of it. He knew that he would not be able to control his rage and not be responsible for what he did to her and the last thing he needed was Punk and Randy on his back. So he smartly chose to wait it out. His time would come and when it did, she'd be a mess, begging him to take her back. Good things always come to those who wait.

Yelena and AJ winced as Big Show delivered a nasty Spear to Randy on the outside of the ring

"Is it bad that I'm having flashbacks of him bulldozing me?" AJ asked, holding her neck. The petite Diva could feel the whiplash Randy was experiencing

Yelena patted her friend's shoulder sympathetically and told her she was going to meet Randy at the curtain just as the match ended in a double count out. She arrived just as he came through them, hunched over and holding his ribs.

"Are you okay?" She asked, reaching out for him, but drawing back, afraid to touch him

"I'm fine." he managed to tell her. He went to stand upright but winced visibly in pain

"You should go see the medic." she told him, but being the macho man he thought he was, he dismissed the idea immediately

"It's not that serious." he told her

"You could have a broken rib!"

"Trust me, if something was broken, I would know. I'll be fine after I find some ice"

What was with these guys and seeing the doctor? They would rather be walking around with an injury in pain than go and get themselves checked out and Yelena was having none of it. Taking his arm, she draped it over her shoulder

"You are going to the damn medic" she told him sternly

"And who's going to make me? You?" he teased as he let her lead him in the direction of the trainer's room

"I'll drag you by your ankles if I have to."

He laughed and was silent the rest off the short walk. They were just outside of the door when he paused "You know, this really isn't necessary. I promise I'm okay."

Yelena smirked and opened the door, gesturing for him to enter with a wave of her hand "In. Now" she commanded

"I like a demanding woman" Randy snorted

"Cute, now in you go. C'mon" she said pushing him inside

Dr. Sampson sat him down and got to work on him right away. Deeming him clear of any broken ribs, he tossed him an ice pack just as Eve came in to get her ankle looked at

"I told you it was nothing" Randy smirked

Yelena pressed the cold ice pack on his ribs and his smirk was replaced by a grimace

"This time." she told him "It could have been a lot worse and you wouldn't have known a thing"

"Sometimes it's better not knowing" he said with a shrug. He pulled her closer so she was standing in between his legs. "Do I get my lollipop now?" he asked

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