Brand New Eyes

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Chris slid the key in the door of Yelena's room. Dropping his bag by the door, he crept to the cracked bedroom door and opened it slowly. Yelena was on the bed, talking on the phone in a language that he couldn't decipher. The phone was on speaker and he could hear a female voice talking back in the same language. Her hair spilled around her shoulders and she was wearing his old "EC F'N W" t-shirt. He had to admit, she looked gorgeous. He found himself staring at her all the time, admiring her beauty. It was like he was seeing her in a different light now that he was back from his suspension. It was like she had become a whole different person. More open and aware of herself. Nothing like the shy, self-conscious mouse he left a month ago.

She looked up at him and shot him a smile before turning her attention back to her phone, which didn't sit well with him

"I can't wait for you to see the flowers I picked out, they are so beautiful" Valilisa told her sister in Russian

"I can't wait to see what you've come up with in two months. Only you can have half of the wedding drawn out in two months" Yelena laughed. She felt the bed dip behind her. Gentle fingers swept her hair to one side and soft kisses were placed on the back of her neck, demanding attention

"You know me. I've always been a 'Do It Yourself' kind of girl"

Yelena snorted "More like you have way to much time on your hands. You seriously need to find a hobby, Val"

She leaned into Chris's lips as he laid a trail of kisses up and down the side of her neck. He nipped at the exposed flesh with his teeth and she let out a squeal

"What was that?" Valilisa asked

"Nothing, I'm just... being distracted." she said, trying to shoo Chris away, but he grabbed her by the waist instead, pulling her up the bed and pressing her onto her back "Sorry Val, go ahead"

"So I was talking to mom about the cake and I couldn't decide if I want a simple white cake or a angelfood cake. Oh which reminds me, I wanted to asked you for your opinion on... Yelena! Are you listening to me?" Valilisa asked after hearing a scuffling noise, followed by another squeal from her sister

"Hang up the damn phone" Chris told her, taking her ear lobe in between his teeth and sucking on it gently

"Val, I have to call you back" she manged to say around his lips

"Lena are you... are you with a guy?" her sister asked in English, sounding a bit too excited

"I'll call you later" she told her sister urgently

"Omigod, you are! What's his name? How old is he? Is he cute?" Val pressed

"Goodnight  Valilisa!" she laughed

"Bye, be safe!"

Hanging up, she tossed her phone and wrapped her arms around Chris's neck

"And who was that?" Chris asked, nodding towards her phone

"My sister Valilisa"

"How many languages do you speak again?"

"Three. That was Russian and I speak Italian  and Spanish."

"Full of surprises, aren't you?" he asked, wrapping her legs around him. He reached down and grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing "I believe this is mine" he said, yanking it over her head

Chris slapped his hand around the nightstand behind him blindly in search of the annoying ringing. It was past twelve p.m. and he was still beyond tired after the night he had. Yelena rolled over, pressing her face into the crook of his neck

"Mmmm. Make it stop." she whined sleepily

"I'm trying" he groaned. He finally gave up the blind search and sat up, grabbing her phone as she turned back over onto her side, facing away from him. He yawned as he read the name flashing on the screen. Randy. He rolled his eyes, hitting ignore. He deleted the call from the log for good measure before laying back down, pulling Yelena into his arms. He was slightly annoyed that she was still talking to Randy, but he was not worried. Randy was not going to swoop in and steal her away. There was no way in hell he was going to let that happen

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