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Yelena hung up the phone, massaging her temples. She had only been on the phone with mother for thirty minutes and she had managed to develop a headache. All her mother seemed to want to talk about was Valilisa's menu for the wedding and Irina's run in with Leonardo DiCaprio in Paris a few weeks ago, which probably explains why her sister called her all those weeks ago: to rub it in. It was Saturday and she didn't have to work, so she decided she'd catch up on a bit of reading. She was just getting settled into bed with her book when someone knocked on her hotel room door. She groaned and flipped back the covers as she got left the comfort of her bed and padded to the door, checking the peephole, she opened it

"What are you doing in your pajamas?" Aksana asked as she let her in

"Huh?" Yelena asked

"We're suppose to go out tonight, remember?" the Lithuanian Diva said, rolling her eyes "Get dressed"

"I'm not feeling up to it, Z. I think I'm going to stay in tonight." Yelena told her, running a hand through her messy hair

"Oh come on, you have to come out with me. We haven't spent any time together lately since I've been back from Smackdown. Pleeeeeaaaasse." the dark haired Diva begged, pulling a puppy dog face

"Fine." Yelena, sighed, caving "Only for a little while. But no booze, I'm not up for having a hangover."

"No booze." Aksana agreed, grinning

Yelena pulled a pair of skinny jeans out of her suitcase and a grey halter top with a drop neck in the front. When she came out of the bathroom, Aksana applauded her

"Nice choice. Sexy and I didn't have to force you to wear it. I'm so proud."

"Oh shush." Yelena chided, slipping on a pair of heels. She didn't feel like doing much with her hair, so she pulled it into a high ponytail. Grabbing her room key and sliding her phone into her pocket, she was ready to go.

The pair drove to a club not to far from the hotel. The music was loud and they spotted their group and was making their way over when Wade appeared in front of them

"Hey Stu" Aksana said

"Hey. Um, Yelena may I have a word with you?" he asked hurriedly. Yelena could tell that he was anxious by the way his shoulders were tense and by the way he was clutching the neck of the bottle of beer in his hand

"Yeah, of course." she told him "I'll be back in a second" she told Aksana before following Wade to the bar

"Would you like a drink?" Wade offered as he waved the bartender over

"Yeah, sure. A martini please." she told the bartender. "What's up?" she asked, eyeing him curiously

"Look, I wanted to be the first to tell you that-"

"Jack and Coke" an all too familiar voice said behind her

Yelena froze like a deer in headlights, her blood running cold. Turning around slowly, she met the blue eyes of none other than Chris Jericho, fresh off his suspension. A small gasp escaped her lips. All the air felt like it was knocked out of her lungs as the Canadian smiled that megawatt smile at her.

"A friend of yours, Stu?" Chris said, turning his attention to his former rookie

Wade stared between the two. Yelena looked like she had seen a ghost. He wondered for a second why Chris was asking as if he didn't know who the young woman was before he remembered that s far as Chris knew, only Phil knew about what was going on between them. He was toying with her, acting as if he did not know her and for her sake, he played along

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