It's Like You're Pouring Salt on My Cuts

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Yelena tied the knot of he robe around her waist as she hurried into her bedroom. She had heard her phone ringing loudly while she was in the shower and had rushed out to get it. Picking it up from the nightstand, she rolled her eyes when she saw who was calling. She had left the comfort of the steaming hot shower for nothing. Mom the screen read. Her mother had been calling her all week and she had been sending her to voicemail like it was going out of style. You'd think she'd take a hint but no. Emilia Giovanni- Ulyanova refused to be ignored. She was going to keep calling her until she finally caved and answered. She let it ring until the voicemail picked up out of spite. Surprisingly, her mother left a message. Oh, this should be good she thought to herself as she called her voicemail box and entered her pin.

You have one new message and no saved messages. First message *beep*

"Yelena, it's your mother. I've been trying to reach you all week. Darling, I know you're a bit upset with me, but I meant no harm. Give me a call. Maybe you can stop by the house so we can talk before you leave if you're not too busy? Let me know. I love you. Bye.

Yelena hastily pressed seven. Message erased. There was no way in hell she was going through that again. She had only agreed to go to dinner with her mother and sister because the last time she had seen them was Christmas. She loved her family, yes, but there was only but so much of her mother she could take before she reached her breaking point. All her mother had done the whole dinner was make jabs at her as soon as she sat down at the table.

"Sorry I'm late mother" she apologized, kissing her mother's cheek and giving her sister an awkward hug before she sat down

"It's fine dear. I've already ordered for you." her mother said, turning her gaze to her youngest daughter, her mouth immediately turning down into a frown" Yelena, honey, what are you wearing?"

Here we go she sighed to herself

"Clothes?" she answered smartly

"Honey, this is a five star restaurant. Don't you think you should have dressed more... presentably?"

"Sorry." was all she muttered, picking up the wine menu. If she was going to get through the night, she was going to have to have a glass or two. The waiter came by and asked her if she needed anything "Yes I'll have-"

"She'll have a glass of water." her mother intervened

The waiter glanced at her for confirmation and she begrudgingly agreed.

"Sweetheart, you should have at least put on a little makeup and did something with your hair." her mother chided

"Sorry mother. So Lisa, let me see it" she squealed to her sister, changing the subject. Her sister, the middle child, Valilisa had just recently gotten engaged to some rich lawyer named Frederick who she had been dating for a little over a year and who she had yet to meet, but her mother had called her and gushed about him nonstop about how handsome and successful he was, and how much she already adored him. She had even told her how she just knew that her future grandchildren would be beautiful. Yelena had rush her off the phone when she mentioned that Frederick also had a handsome and single brother who just so happen to be on age with her.

Lisa's hand immediately shot out at her and Yelena was blinded by the size of the rock on her finger

"It's beautiful. He really went all out didn't he."

"He really did." Lisa said with a smile "I told him not to spend so much money, but that only seemed to provoke him to buy the most expensive ring he could find."

"So when's the wedding?"

"Well we're pushing for the first week in April next year hopefully. You'll be able to make it right?" her sister asked

Yelena winced. The first week in April is the busiest time of year at work because of WrestleMania and most likely, she was going to be needed. There was no way around getting out of it

"I... I have to see. The first week in April is WrestleMania, the biggest pay-per-view of the year. They might need me to be there." she said, hating the way her sister's face fell with disappointment

"Well you have to be at your sister's wedding Lena. Can't you just request it off or take a sick day?" her mother asked

Yelena nervously grabbed a roll from out of the basket in the middle of the table "I don't think I can mom. You don't understand. That's like the Super Bowl in the WWE. They're going to need every hand they can get. I can't just take off if they need me."

"Well what does it matter? All you do is take pictures. Anyone can do it." her mother said casually, waving her off

Yelena had to bite her tongue to keep from cursing. Turning back to her sister she placed her hand over her's. "I'll see what I can do. I promise." thankfully, her sister smiled in understanding.

Their food arrived and they chatted some more about the wedding. They got on the subject of colors and her sister told her she had chosen a sage green and cream.

"I want the bridesmaid's dresses to be sage, of course. The fittings will probably be sometime in January." Lisa said, putting a dainty piece of steak into her mouth

Yelena took another bite of her tasteless salad and chewed. Her mother hadn't told her she hadn't ordered any dressing with it

"That's great. That gives you plenty of time Yelena." her mother said, finishing the rest of her salmon.

"Enough time for what, exactly?" she asked, confused. She grabbing another roll

"To drop a few pounds, of course. I'm sure your sister will want you to look good in your dress." her mother said, sipping her wine

"Mother" Lisa scolded

"What? It wouldn't hurt to lose a few extra pounds. It's a wedding. She needs to look good."

Yelena immediately dropped the roll she was about to eat down on her plate.

"Yelena, don't listen to her. You don't need to do anything. You look great." her sister said, glaring at her mother

"No, it's fine." she said softly, dropping her napkin over her plate "I should get going or I'm going to be late for work" she said, standing

"Okay" Lisa said "So I'll talk to you soon?" she asked, hugging her

"Yes. I'll give you a call before I leave." she said, picking up her purse. Her mother stood up and opened her arms to her and she gave her a quick hug.

"We'll see you soon dear."

"Bye." she managed before retreating out the door

Yelena sighed as she opened the tie on her robe, letting it slip off of her shoulders. She was clad only in a pair of black lace underwear and a matching bra. Standing in front of her full length mirror, she took in the sight of herself from head to toe. She started with her thighs. She had always had thick thighs, but they seemed larger than she remembered. She didn't even want to think about the size of her ass. It had a mind of its own. Her eyes went to her hips, noticing she had slight love handles. Sure she was curvy. Most of the women in her family was, but she had always been the biggest out of her sisters. She was the chunky one as a teenager and odd one out. She was the black sheep. Her oldest sister, Irina always use to tease her about her weight, often making her lock herself in her room and cry.

Her eyes finally found her full breasts. Out of her two sisters, her breasts were the biggest at a size 36C. Valilisa was second runner up with 32C, then Irina with B cups. She had always been jealous that Irina could wear whatever she wanted without looking slutty. Irina had always been the golden child and the favorite. She could do no wrong in her mother's eyes. Pulling her robe back on, her mother's words echoing loudly in her head.

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