>> Tizenegy <<

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N I N A // L O G A N

That slow burn wait while it gets dark,
Bruising the sun, I feel grown up with you in your car

I know it's dumb

We've both got a million bad habits to kick
Not sleeping is one
We're biting our nails, you're biting my lip
I'm biting my tongue

When people are talking, people are talking
When People are talking, people are talking

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
We're all alone
We're alone

All my fake friends and all of their noise
Complain about work
They're studying business, I study the floor
And you haven't stopped smoking all night
Maybe the Internet raised us
Or maybe people are jerks

When people are talking, people are talking (But not you)
When people are talking, people are talking

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
We're all alone
We're alone

All the double-edged people and schemes
They make a mess then go home and get clean
You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone,
We're all alone
We're all alone

I know we're not everlasting
We're a train wreck waiting to happen
One day the blood won't flow so gladly
One day we're all get still
When people are talking, people are talking
Get still

When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
We're all alone
We're alone

All the double-edged people and schemes
They make a mess then go home and get clean
You're my best friend, so we're dancing in a world alone
We're all alone
We're all alone

When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking
When people are talking, people are talking

Let 'em talk

Lorde - A world alone

Néha egy dal jobban megfogalmazza az emberek érzéseit, gondolatait, tetteit, mint ők maguk tudnák. Ezért néhány fejezet különleges; csak egy-egy dalszöveget tartalmaznak. Ez a dal éppen érvényes lehet Ninára és Loganre is, de lesz még több zene, amelyek Logan "szemszögét" mutatják be. Remélem, tetszeni fog. 😊

xx, zitablack 💛

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