Chapter Five

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Hadley’s POV

Every time I tried to stop crying, the image of Michael cheating on me popped into my mind. It haunted me ad nothing helped getting it out of my head. I sobbed into Ashton’s bed, feeling nothing but heart break and sorrow for myself. I came all the way to damn America and within the first three hours, my world came crashing around me.

My sobs were forced to stop when I heard a knock on the door. I was assuming it was Ashton, so I slowly got up and answered.

“It’s almost one in the morning and I’m extremely tired,” Ashton bit his lip and leaned against the door frame. I had been crying for pretty much seven hours straight. Lovely.

“Oh, um, sorry… I’ll go down to the couch,” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands and took a deep breath. As much as I wanted to admit it, I didn’t want to be alone and the only person I trusted in the house was Ash.

“You can sleep in here if you want to sleep in here you can. I didn’t come to kick you out. I just needed to grab a pair of shorts,” He gave me a small but reassuring smile that made my stomach do flips. I tried so hard to look away, but it was almost impossible. 

“Okay,” I nodded slowly and moved to the side to let Ashton in. 

“Do you need anything?” Ashton asked as he opened up his bottom drawer that was stuffed with all his boxers, t-shirts, and shorts. It was six at night back home in Australia and I felt an emptiness in my stomach. 

“I’m a little bit hungry,” I admitted quietly as he slung his gym shorts over his shoulder. 

“We’ll go get you some food then,” Ashton smiled at me once again. He was being so sweet to me for no reason. He headed out of his room again and this time I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen. “What would you like?”

“I don’t really care,” I responded and sat at the counter.

“Thanks for the help,” He chuckled and opened up to fridge. I gave him a small smile and yawned a little.

“Do you have vegemite?”

“Was that even a question?” He chuckled and shut the fridge before opening a cabinet.

“I guess not. I remember you used to eat that stuff all of the time,” I smiled softly and stood up to get bread before toasting it.

 “I still love it,” Ashton grinned and got out a knife.

“Thanks,” I grabbed the knife from him and spread the vegemite on the piece of bread.

“You’re welcome,” He smiled and toasted a piece of bread for himself. I sat back down at the counter and started eating my vegemite. We sat in silence for a while before I broke it.

“Where, uh, where is Michael?” I bit my lip and looked at the vegemite.

Ashton immediately froze before taking a few minutes to respond. “You don’t want me to answer that.”


With a sigh, he finally responded. “He’s at Claire’s house.” Of course he was. I started to feel my heart ache again.

“I want to go home,” I threw the remaining toast back onto my plate and held my head in my hands.

“You just got here, Had.”

“I don’t care. The trip was ruined within the first three hours. I want to leave and get out of here.”

“This is your first time in America. Don’t ruin it,” Ashton grabbed my plate and threw the scrapes away in the trash.

“As I already said, it’s been ruined,” I sighed and lifted my head.

“Let me make up for it,” Ashton looked at me with his goofy half smile. He was trying to make it hard to resist him. 

I bit my lip before finally replying, “Maybe.”

“We should get ready for bed. If you don’t sleep now, jet lag is gonna suck even more for you tomorrow morning,” Ashton chuckled softly and I nodded.

“Ashton, I can sleep on the couch. It’s no big deal, and—,” I was cut off by him.

“Nope, you sleep in my bed. I’ll be fine down here. Besides, the wi-fi upstairs sucks and I want to go on twitter,” he smiled and made his way over to me as I stood up.

“Goodnight,” I gave him a weak smile and headed up the stairs.

“Goodnight. I’ll make tomorrow fun for you,” he grinned and sat down on the couch. I made my way up the stairs and closed his door. What the hell was I doing? I told myself I wouldn’t him back into my life.

Ashton’s POV

I was woken up by the sound of a scream. I jumped up and saw the clock on my phone. It read ‘3:27 AM’. Great. Where the fuck did that scream come from? She suddenly flashed through my mind. Hadley. It was Hadley.

I jumped off the couch and rushed up the stairs at the same time Calum’s door flung open.

“What the fuck?” Calum groaned and rubbed his eyes. 

“Go to bed. I got it,” I responded and headed to the end of the hall to my room. I quickly opened the door to find Hadley struggling in the covers. I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my hand in-between her shoulder blades. “Hadley, wake up…” No response. I moved my hand to her shoulder as she continued to toss and turn. “Hadley!”

She jumped up after I shouted out her name. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes were full of terror before they flooded with large tears. “Hey, you're okay…” I tried to comfort her as her shaking hand wiped her tears. I laid down next to her as she rolled over onto her side, and rested her head on my chest. It was obvious she was embarrassed when she didn’t speak to me. I rubbed her back in attempt to keep comforting her.

“I-I’m sorry, it was just a nightmare,” she finally responded but didn’t lift her head from my chest.

“You’re fine, go back to sleep.”

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