Chapter Seven

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Sorry for how short the other chapters have been, I will now be starting to make them longer and put A LOT more thought into them. It’ll probably take me longer to post, but in the long run the story with be MUCH better! Thank you for over 200 reads already! Also, I’m thinking of making a Harry Styles fanfic, so let me know what you think in the comments! Make sure to give me feedback on this chapter as well and pleaseeeeeee vote! Love you all!!

“God dammit, Hadley! You are not staying in his room!” Michael quickly ran up the stairs after me and grabbed my wrist. It wasn’t like how Ashton grabbed my wrist. Michael squeezed hard to make sure I wouldn’t take another step away from him.

“Let me go!” I screeched and tried to pull my wrist away from him.

“No! You either leave or stay with me!”

“I don’t want to stay with you! I’m done with you! Now, let me go!” I glared at him as I kept struggling in his grip.

“Does this mean we’re done?” He asked, the evil glare not leaving his eyes.

“What the fuck do you think? You cheated on me! Of course we’re done,” I practically growled at him and finally pulled my wrist free. He just stood there as I ran to Ashton’s room and locked the door.

Who the fuck did he think he was? He cheated on me and thought in that brain of his that we’d still be together. He was absolutely unbelievable. And to make matters worse, he told me I either had to stay with him or leave. I felt anger and heartbreak course through my veins, and I didn’t know what to do. That’s when it happened. That’s when I heard the thudding and grunting coming from down the hallway. I immediately knew what was happening.

I opened the door to find Michael and Ashton rolling around on the ground fighting with each other. Ashton punched Michael in the jaw, causing Michael to get pissed off and push Ashton off of him. They both stood up, but Michael was able to get to Ashton first. He pushed Ashton against the wall. I quickly ran to peel Michael off of Ashton, but Michael was able to shake me off, causing me to fall back onto the floor.

Luke and Calum came running up the stairs just as Michael was getting ready to beat the shit out of Ashton. Calum grabbed Michael and pulled him into his room as Luke helped Ashton into his room.

“That asshole! He can’t hurt a girl like that!” Ashton yelled as I closed the door and locked it. Luke pushed Ashton onto his bed and shook his head.

“He didn’t hurt me,” I told Ashton in attempt to calm him down. 

“Calm down! We’re supposed to be friends and I don’t want to put up with this shit!” Luke screamed down at Ashton.

“Well friends don’t let other friends cheat on their girlfriends!” Ashton yelled back and stood up, pushing past Luke.

“Don’t leave the room,” I put my hand on Ashton’s shoulder and bit my lip. I didn’t want him to do anything else stupid and end up hurt. 

“I’m not. I’m going to the bathroom to fix my face,” He replied and started walking. I followed him into his bathroom and grabbed a washcloth. I got the washcloth wet with warm water. Ashton sat down on the side of the tub as I walked over to him. I gently dabbed the washcloth over the small gash on his lip and cheek.

“You didn’t have to do that. I was handling the situation perfectly fine without your help,” I smiled down at him as I kept cleaning up the blood.

“I don’t care,” Ashton responded. I was too busy staring at the gash to realize that Ashton had been starting into my eyes this whole time. As soon as I looked up, our eyes were locked. After a few moments, I looked away while biting my lip. What the heck was I doing? I couldn’t open my heart up to him again.

“Uh…” I set the towel in his hand and stepped backwards. Ashton stood up also and took a step towards me. He gently placed a hand on my cheek and lowered his head. I knew exactly what he was going to do. 

Our lips finally met as my eyes shut. Ashton’s lips were so familiar to me. It was as if we hadn’t even broken up. His musty scent was even the same. Surprisingly, Ashton was the first one to pull away but he didn’t move his hand off of my cheek.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” He admitted to me and bit his lip. I felt my cheeks start burning as his lips twitched up in a smile. 

“You’re a hopeless romantic,” I laughed softly and pulled away from him.

“Thanks,” he grinned once again and walked over to the mirror to look at the cuts. “Fuck…” Ashton groaned and exaggerated.


“My lip is gonna be messed up for our acoustic show.”

“I can try to put some make up or something on it,” I offered and watched him as he ran the washcloth over his bottom lip. “If you put some ice on it the swelling should go down. Your cheek will be really easy to cover up.” Ashton sighed and nodded. “I’ll go get some ice.”

I headed out of the bathroom, through Ashton’s room, and down the stairs. I went straight to the kitchen and looked around for something to put ice in. The only thing the kitchen had was paper towels and that wasn’t going to help anything. I opened up the freezer and grabbed a bag of frozen vegetables.

I jogged back up the stairs with the bag and went back into Ashton’s bathroom. “Here,” I handed him the bag and leaned on the doorframe. 

“Really?” Ashton let out a laugh and placed the bag to his lip. 

“Would you rather me giving you a handful of ice?” I watched him and smiled softly.

“I’m just joking with you, Had.”

(So much for my first note, this chapter is short again. I can’t type. I’m watching the bonus features on This Is Us and wow. They’re a bunch of lovable idiots! thanks for the reads!!!)

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