Chapter Eighteen

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(I’m sooooo sorry it’s taken me forever to write these upcoming chapters. I’ve had writers block and I’ve been super busy with a musical I got casted in. Then I got food poisoning and it was just a mess. I’m so sorry and I promise that won’t happen again. Thanks for 1,100 reads!!)


My Love - Sia

Say Something - A Great Big World 

Skyscrapper - Demi Lovato

Lego House - Ed Sheeran

Out of My Limit - 5 Seconds of Summer

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Ashton’s arms. His chest rose slowly and fell with each breath. His tattoos looked like black blobs in the dim light. I can’t believe that I had slept all night wrapped up in his arms. 

The heat from his body caused mine to overheat, although I didn’t mind. I glanced over at my alarm clock and saw that it was eleven in the afternoon. I hadn’t slept in that late in at least a couple of years. I hated sleeping in. It always made me feel like I was wasting my day. I decided to slide out of Ashton’s arms and get into the shower.

Gently, I removed his arm from my waist and climbed out of bed. Before heading into the bathroom, I grabbed a pair of jean shorts, a plain white t-shirt, and a new bra and panties. I closed the door and locked it before turning on the water. I started to remove my clothing when I heard a knock on the door. Who the fuck was that?

“Hadley! Hurry up! I have to go out with mum to that dumb conference thing for her job!” Alex yelled as he kept knocking.

“Go shower in her room,” I replied as I stepped into the shower. The hot water instantly caused my muscles to relax. It felt amazing on my skin.

“You suck,” Alex stopped knocking as his footsteps grew quieter. I hoped that Alex didn’t wake Ashton. He needed his sleep. I knew when he would head back to LA, he’d be getting little to no sleep at all. 

I stood under the warm water, letting it relax all the muscles in my body. It felt so soothing. It even caused my mind to calm down. I needed to stop worrying about Ashton. He was perfectly capable to take care of himself. Besides, he wasn’t even mine to worry about. 

I knew we had something special, but he wasn’t mine and I wasn’t his. He made my world come shattering to pieces too easily in the past. I couldn’t let it happen again, but there was something about him that kept drawing me into him. Ashton was different this time. He seemed to be more vulnerable in a way. He usually had his walls built all the way up, but the last couple of times we had been together, he let me see his emotions. 

My mind finally caught up with reality, reminding me that if I didn’t get out of the shower now, there wouldn’t be any hot water left. Slowly, I turned the water off and grabbed my towel. I quickly dried off my body then wrapped the towel around my drenched hair.


“You little shit! You can’t speak to me that way!” My father screamed at my mum and pushed her into the wall. I just watched. I couldn’t do anything or he’d beat the shit out of my mum and myself. 

“Brian! Please just calm down! I’m not cheating on you! I’d never do that,” My mum pleaded, tears streaming down her face. My dad was drunk. I could smell the alcohol as soon as I walked into the room. 

I quickly looked at my little brother, Harry. He didn’t need to be seeing this. He was too little. I picked him up, but before I could get out of the house, the fucking dick head grabbed my shoulder. “Ashton, give him to Lauren,” My mom spat out. I quickly handed my little brother to my sister and pushed her out of the room. 

Great. I was left being the fucking inching bag once again. “You’re a fucking disappointment, you know that? Your mum and I shouldn’t have even had you. You’re good for nothing. You have no friends, your grades suck, you’re in the weird fucking group full of those punks…”

“At least I don’t get drunk and beat the shit out of women,” I cut him off and immediately regretted his words. My mum grabbed my dad before he could hit me, but he returned around too quick. I watched in horror and my father’s fist hit my mum’s jaw.

“Hey! Ashton!” I felt petite hands on my shoulders. They obviously didn’t belong to my father. My eyes flew open, reminding me that it wasn’t my father standing over me. It was Hadley. “Hey, you’re okay,” She sat down on the edge of the bed, running her fingers through my hair. I hated her seeing me like this. I hated being vulnerable. “It’s just a dream.”

“Sorry…” I slowly sat up and looked at her. 

“You don’t need to apologize,” She gave me a small and pathetic smile. I just nodded. I didn’t now how to react. My heart was still racing from the dumb dream. “Ashton?”


“Um, have you, have you or anyone in your family heard from your dad lately?” She asked quietly. She was obviously nervous to ask.

“No. He literally just disappeared that night,” I answered without any expression in my voice. I hated talking about that night. It was a low point in my life that I wanted to forget, but it haunted my every thought. 

“Your mum called her earlier. She wants to see you before you head back tomorrow. Harry really wants to see you.” I nodded and ran my fingers through my damp hair. I loved my family, but I hated admitting it. I missed them more than anything. Especially Harry and Lauren. 

“Do you want to come with me? I’m sure Lauren and my mum would love to see you,” I smiled softly and stood up. While we had been dating before, Lauren adored Hadley. Everything Hadley did and wore, Lauren had to do it as well.

“Of course,” She grinned and stood up as well. “Go get cleaned up and we can head over when you’re done.”

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