Chapter Twenty Two

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(Fair warning, this chapter is going to be switching point of views often!!!)


    “What do you want?!” I yelled back as I headed to the top of the staircase.
    “Want to go out to dinner with us?” Luke asked as he shoved his phone into his pocket.
    “I’m gonna stay and hang with Had tonight,” I replied as I spun around to head back to my room. When I came back, Hadley was now spread across the bed in my large t-shirt. She looked sick. Something wasn’t right about her, but I wasn’t going to keep nagging her.
    “I think you should go with them,” Hadley gave me a small smile accompanied with a yawn. “I’m exhausted so I want to take a little nap. Then we can do whatever tonight.”
    “Are you sure Had?” Something was definitely wrong. I wanted to know what was bothering her. Did I do something wrong?
    “Yes. Go.”
    “Uh, okay. I’ll see you in an hour or so,” I replied as I grabbed my phone off of the bed.
    “I love you,” she replied with her eyes shut.
    “I love you.”

    Moments after the boys had left, I heard knocking on the door. I knew it was Claire. She had texted me sashing she’d be back soon. I quickly answered it and looked at her.
    “Hey,” Claire gave me a small smile and stepped into the house. “Here.” Claire handed me a grocery bag that had been tucked into her purse. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” She moved towards the couch and plopped down.
    I quickly ran back up to Ashton’s room and went into the bathroom. Reluctantly, my fingers pulled back the plastic bag to reveal a pink box. Inside of the box was a pregnancy test. My hand was shaking uncontrollably as I opened up the box.
    As I opened it, my mind played replays of that night back home in Australia. If we had just used protection none of this would be happening. I knew it would be the smallest chance that I was actually pregnant, but I still wanted to make sure. I had most of the symptoms. I was throwing up, I felt nauseous, I was getting terrible cramps, and I had missed my period.


    “Do you guys know what’s up with Hadley? She’s acting really strange,” I said as I took a sip of my water.
    “I dunno,” Calum shrugged as he kept scrolling through Twitter on his phone.
    “I heard her getting sick again this morning,” Luke said as he looked over at me. Michael didn’t reply which didn’t surprise me. “It’s probably from traveling so much lately.”
    “Apparently she and Claire are hanging out right now,” Michael looked up from his phone and looked directly at me.
    “What the fuck?” I asked and looked at him as well. Three was a look of suspicion all over his face. He knew something, but he wasn’t telling me.


    Those two minutes were the longest two minutes of my life. When the alarm finally went off on my phone, I slowly got up and went into the bathroom. The pregnancy test sat on the counter. I was terrified to look. It would either be a huge relief or the end of the world.
    Reluctantly, I went over to the counter and picked it up. There were two pink lines going up and down the stick. I quickly looked at the box to see that it meant. I looked back a the test. It had to be a mistake. It was telling me I was pregnant. I felt all the blood flush out of my body. I couldn’t find the strength in my body to move. I just stared at those two fucking lines. Tears started forming in my eyes, and I could feel the emotional breakdown coming.
    An uncontrollable scream left my mouth as I fell to the floor. I couldn’t see straight anymore I was crying so hard. “Hadley!” I heard Claire scream as she came running into the bathroom. She pulled the test out of my hands and pulled me into a hug. I could barely make out the glow of her phone screen. I held onto her tight and cried into her shoulder.


    It’s positive. Get Ashton home NOW. Claire’s text said. I instantly felt my heart sink into my stomach. I nudged Calum’s leg with mine under the table and slid my phone to him. Calum bit his lip and looked up at Ashton, who was oblivious to everything that was happening. I shouldn’t have told Calum everything that was going on. It wasn’t my place, but Ashton was such a fucking idiot. How could he not figure out what was going on? That dumb ass literally had no idea bout anything.
    “Ash?” Calum glanced over at me then back to Ashton.
    “What?” He replied as he took a bite out of his burger
    “I’m gonna take you home.”
    “Calum, we just fucking got our food,” He groaned.
    “This is more important than food. I’ll explain in the car. No one ease needs to hear this. It’s about Hadley.”
    “Um, okay?” Ashton slid out from the booth and rose to his feet as Calum did the same.


    “What the fuck is going on Calum?” I glanced over at him as he drove like a fucking idiot.
    “I need you to promise me that you’ll keep your cool. You need to do it for Hadley.”
    “Calum for fucking sakes,” I groaned and looked out the windshield.
    “She’s uh, I don’t really know who to put this. It shouldn’t be coming from me, but you're going to be so fucking confused when we get home. I’m sorry you have to figure out this way…” Calum went on and on until I heard the last two words. “… she’s pregnant.”
    Everything went black. I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t know what to do. It would explain the excessive crying over everything, her mood swings, the puking. I was such an idiot for not putting two and two together.
    She was alone at home with a chick who she barely knew probably bawling her eyes out. “Calum, drive faster.” I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. It was all my fault. I knew exactly when she got pregnant, too. It was at that lagoon or whatever the fuck it was back home. I didn’t use a condom. The thought didn’t hit me then, but at that moment I remembered clear as day that I didn’t use a fucking condom.
    Calum pulled into the long driveway, but slowed down. “Stop the car.” I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. I had jumped out just as the car started coming to a complete stop. I ran as fast as I could to the front door and opened it. As soon as I opened it, I could hear Hadley’s screaming coming from upstairs and someone attempting to calm her down. I went up to my room and found Hadley and Claire on the bathroom floor. Claire looked up at me and bit her lip. She felt bad. Every expression on her face made it obvious. I bent down as she stood up and left the room without saying anything. She closed the door to give us privacy as I took a deep breath. I was about to lose it. Looking at Hadley like this fucking ruined me. I caused everything in her life to go to shit, and this was the last thing she needed.
    “Hadley…” I whispered. She didn’t say anything. She just wrapped her arms tightly around my waist and cried harder than I had ever seen her cry.

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