Chapter Seventeen

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(I can’t believe my story has 1,000 reads now! That is absolutely insane! I remember a few days ago when I thought 30 was a lot! You guys are amazing! Your reads, comments, and votes mean the world to me! I honestly didn’t think anyone was going to read it. Once again, thank you so much! Love you guys! xx this chapter takes place awhile after the whole lagoon thing. i was so tired and jet lagged when i wrote it. i have no idea what i was thinking haha sorry xx


I glanced at Ashton as he turned right into my neighborhood. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. The day had gone so well, with the exception of the morning. I loved hanging out with Ashton. I felt like I could be myself around him without being judged.

“You are so sunburned,” Ashton glanced at me with a chuckle.

“How did you not get burned? You didn’t wear sunscreen either.”

“I don’t burn,” he replied with a shrug and kept his eyes on the road. I replied with a nod and looked out the window. “Do you know what time your mom will be home from work tonight?”

“I don’t know, maybe like nine. Why?” 

“I was just wondering,” Ashton answered quickly as he took another left into the driveway. Alex’s car was no longer in the driveway. I just assumed he went out with his girlfriend or something.

“Ashton?” I looked over at him as he unbuckled his seatbelt.


“When do you, uh, when do you have to go back to LA?” He turned his head towards me after he was unbuckled.

“A couple of days.” Ashton replied as he got out of the car. I didn’t want him to leave at all. It wasn’t fair. We had just reconciled and he was already about to leave.

“Do you have to go?” I bit my lip and followed him into the garage. He looked at me with a slight smile and nodded.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t come with me,” He grinned as I opened the door with my key.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea…”

“If it’s about Michael, don’t worry about it. He’s with that other chick now and hasn’t been a douche to me.” Ouch. It was good to know how fast Michael moved on. He claimed I was ‘his world’ and a ton of other shit, but apparently I was just another girl he could fuck and then push out of his life.

“Oh,” I nodded and kicked off my thongs.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Had,” He bit his lip and followed me into the small kitchen.

“No, I know. I just… I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go to LA with you. I mean, we aren’t even dating. And our past relationships haven’t exactly been the best.” Ashton sighed heavily and looked down at his feet. The room quickly filled with an awkward silence. I didn’t know what to say and he obviously didn’t either.

“I love you,” Ashton’s voice broke the silence, causing my head snapped in his direction. The way he said it made my heart swell. There was some sort of vulnerability to his voice that made him sound like he was about to break down in tears. I knew that wasn’t the case though. Ashton wasn’t that type of person. 

He slowly made his way towards me and held his hand out for mine. I placed mine in his huge hand, as he pulled me close to his body. Ashton placed his free hand on the side of my head, his fingers intertwining in my hair. “I love you, too,” I whispered as my eyes locked with his.

I rose onto my my tippy-toes and placed my lips to his. Ashton let go of my hand before placing his on my waist. Ashton started gently pushing me towards the wall, causing my body to be squished. Once I was leaning back against the all for support, I spread my lips slightly. He started kissing down my jawline and onto my neck. He lifted my body up, causing my legs to wrap around his waist.


I wanted to fuck her so bad, and she wasn’t helping the cause. I knew she didn’t want to though. In fact, I was even shocked that she was letting me get this far. With her legs wrapped around my body, I headed to the couch. Hadley shook her forehead against mine.


“Hmm?” I replied as I gently laid her down on the couch.

“No more,” She looked up at me and locked our eyes.

“Why not?” I groaned, moving a strand of hair out of her face.

“I, uh… I’m on my period.” She bit her lip, obviously embraced.

“Oh,” I just nodded and slowly sat up to let her up.

“Sorry,” She sat up as well, avoiding eye contact.

“It’s okay.” I placed my hand on her thigh before kissing her temple. “You don’t need to apologize for that.”

“I think I’m going to take a shower then maybe we could watch a movie?” She suggested and finally looked up at me. Her cheeks were bright pink, causing myself to grow harder. Fuck. She was such a tease without even trying.

“Yeah, that’d be nice. I’m going to shower, too.” I stood up and grabbed her hand. I took Hadley’s hand in mine and walked up the stairs with her just a bit behind me.

“Do you want to use the shower first?” She looked up at me, still holding onto my hand tightly.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be fast.” I nodded and headed to the bathroom. 


Hadley walked out of the bathroom in shorts and a long sleeved baggy t-shirt. There was something about her wearing something so simple that made her so attractive. 

“I have a ton of movies on my laptop,” Hadley informed me as she walked over to her desk. She unplugged her computer from the charger and walked back over to her bed. As she came closer, I saw how red her face and body were.

“You are so sunburned.”

“I know. It fucking killed in the shower,” She replied and sat back against the headboard. “Is there anything you want to watch?”

“I honestly don’t care. You pick,” I replied and sat back with her.

“The Avengers is on Netflix now. I haven’t seen it yet, and I heard it’s really good.”

“We can watch that then,” I replied and moved around to get more comfortable. She nodded and opened up her laptop. I watched her as she opened up Netflix and found the movie. The bright screen caused her eyes to appear even more blue than they actually were. 

Hadley turned on the movie and leaned her body into mine. As the movie went on, we both slid down so we were in a laying position. I paid more attention to Hadley than to the movie. She was much more interesting. About two thirds into the movie, her breathing started to get slow as she slipped into a deep sleep. Her head was resting against my chest, as her hand was curled around my waist. 

The heat her body radiated onto mine caused my body to turn what felt like a thousand degrees hotter. I didn’t mind though. I just wanted her to be comfortable.

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