Chapter Eleven

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*Two Weeks later*

(This chapter with have many character’s POVs in them. It’ll help describe whats going through everyone’s mind.)


It had two weeks since she left. It was two weeks of me living in hell. Everything from the night we broke up kept repeating. Hadley wouldn’t answer any of my texts or phone calls. She wouldn’t answer Calum or Luke either. I was such a fuck up. Every time I thought of her, I hated myself even more. 

She was everything I could’ve asked for, and once again, I fucked it all up. Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes haunted me everywhere I looked. I needed to go home and see her. It would send some sort of relief through my body. 


There was something about Ashton that was different when Hadley left. He wasn’t around us anymore, and when he was, he wouldn’t talk. I was used to seeing the happy and laughing Ashton. Not this. His eyes were now bloodshot from his lack of sleep and became more and more droopy. Something needed to be done to fix this. As fucking dumb as it sounded, Ash was literally dying from a broken heart and the only one that would be able to help was Hadley.

I picked up my phone and decided to call Hadley’s older brother, Alex. Alex and I had gone to the same school. He was the reason that Ashton and Hadley had gotten together in the first place. The phone rang three times before he finally picked up.

“Cal? Why the fuck are you calling? It’s four in the morning here,” Alex groaned with his morning voice.

“It’s kinda important. Uh, there really isn’t an easy way to say this but Ashton is in bad shape. Can you have Hadley actually answer her phone? Just one time,” I bit my lip and sat on the couch before shoving a piece of toast with vegemite in my mouth. 

“He really fucked up. Hadley needs a break from him. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Then let me talk to her,” I pleaded into the phone quickly and heard Alex sigh.

“Fine, I’ll go fucking wake her up, you dick.” His response made me chuckle softly. I heard him open a door and start to say her name. I heard her voice respond to him and bit my lip. “She’s still awake. I’ll talk to you later.” There were a few seconds of silence before her voice broke it.

“Hello?” She asked softly.

“Hey, it’s Calum. I know that we’re the last people on earth right now that you’re going to want to hear from, but please just hear me out real quick. It’s important.”

“Okay…” Her response sent a wave of relief through my body.

“Ash is a fucking mess without you. I’ve never seen him like this. He didn’t ask me to do this. I’m just worried. He looks fucking scary. He needs you. Please just answer one call from him.” There was dead silence again. Fucking great.

“How about you just tell him to go fuck himself.” Hadley quickly responded and hung up. What the fuck was wrong with her? I quickly got up and went to Ashton’s room. I knocked on the door before his voice told me to come in.

He sat at his desk, drawing or writing something on a piece of paper. “Hey,” I greeted him and sat on his bed.

“Hey,” He greeted back and turned to look at me.

“So Luke and I have decided that you need to go home for a while. We miss the old you and you need to go and get everything sorted. We don’t like seeing you like this. It fucking sucks. We can put the album back a few weeks. Your sanity comes first.” I joked with him, causing a small smile to form on his lips. 

“Are you guys sure? The band at this point seems like a better choice than going back to Australia,” Ashton bit his lip and looked at me as I nodded.

“Yeah. You deserve one more chance.”

“You don’t know what happened…” Ashton sighed and nervously leaned back in his chair.

“What did happen?” I asked and ran a hand through my messy hair. Ashton stayed quiet for a while before taking a deep breath to speak.

“I accidentally pushed past her too hard and it caused her to fall.” Shit. If Hadley told the police, Ashton could be arrested. This whole thing was going downhill at a fast rate.

“I still think you should go see her and try to fix everything. You owe it to her and yourself,” I informed him as he stood up and nodded.


The plane ride back to Sydney had been the longest fourteen hours of my life. I started regretting going home nine hours into the flight. Hadley was going to shut the door right in my face. I literally had zero chance of ever speaking to her again. I knew it was all my fault. 

The taxi ride to her house was even longer. I had texted Alex to let him know I was coming, so he would make sure to answer the door. I paid the man and got my bag from the trunk. I slowly walked to the front door and knocked. A few moments later the door opened. I caught glimpse of long blonde hair. Shit, shit, shit, shit. I wasn’t ready to see her quite yet. Although when I looked again, it wasn’t her. It was her mom, Connie. Worry was spread all over her face when the door opened?

“Ashton?!” I couldn’t decided if she looked pissed off or scared.

“Hi, Mrs. McCoy,” I bit my lip nervously and looked down.

“Thank God you’re here. She’s losing it right now. Alex is upstairs with her.” She opened the door wider to allow me in. I quickly took off my shoes and dropped my bag before running upstairs. I ran up the familiar stairs and into her room.

I heard Hadley screaming and a shatter noise. I quickly opened the door and there she stood. Her face was covered in tears and her hands had traces of blood on them.

“Hadley! Please just stop already!” Alex pleaded and grabbed hi sister’s hands. She held what looked like to be a pencil sharpener in her hands. Alex turned around when he heard the door open. Hadley shook out of his grip as he got distracted by me. She came running my way and slapped me across the face. I just stood there and allowed her to. It was the least I deserved.

“You asshole!” She screamed in my face. I plied the pencil sharpener from her hands and led her to her bed. She weakly collapsed into my lap as I just let her cry. Alex knew to give us our privacy and shut the door before leaving.

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