Chapter Twelve

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“I’m just trying to help you!” I yelled back at her. As I spat in her face, she got a terrified look in her eyes. Once again, I fucked that up again. 

“If you wanted to help me you’d stay away from me!” She screamed once again and pushed away from me.

“That’s the problem here, Hadley! Staying away from you won’t help me at all!”

“Why?! Do you need another dumb girl to fuck up her emotions and be your punching bag? Because if you want that, go find another poor girl because I am done with you!”

“You know I didn’t mean to hurt you!” I stared at her, my words falling out of my mouth before I could think of what I was saying. “I love you. You have no fucking idea of how much you mean to me! I have spent each night crying. If you don’t believe me, call Calum or Luke. Being away from you is like trying to fucking breathe without oxygen. You are everything to me and I’d be the biggest dumbs to let you just walk out of my life again. It’s happened once, but I’m not going to allow it again.”

Hadley stared at me as her eyes filled with more tears. She looked so helpless and hurt. It felt like someone was stabbing me over and over in the heart. I didn’t know what to say. i had just poured my heart out to the petite girl in front of me and she didn’t even react. I just decided it’d be best if I left. I turned my back to her and made my way to the door. 

She deserved so much more than me. She deserved someone who could be home twenty-four seven. She deserved someone who was able to control their anger. She needed someone who could be unconditionally devoted to her.

I made my way down the hallway and turned left to go down the stairs. My mind was spinning and I could feel my heart beat pulsate through my veins. I felt like I had already lost her. She didn’t need me. She needed someone who was healthier for her.

Once I was halfway down the stairs, that’s when I heard her voice croak out my name. I turned around to look at her. Her arms were wrapped around her small waist, as the free hair from her messy ponytail stuck to the side of her face. I don’t know what it was about seeing her like this, but it made me happy in a way. To see that she was this upset over it showed me that somewhere in her heart she still cared about me.

“Yeah?” I asked as I stared up at her.

“Don’t leave,” Hadley whispered so quietly that I could barely ear her. I just simply nodded at her request before walking back up the stairs. She unwrapped her arms and quickly tightened them around my waist once I reached her. I hugged her back just as tight, maybe even tighter. To be able to hold her like this made everything seem okay for a little while. 

“I love you,” I whispered into her hair and shut my eyes.

“I love you,” Hadley replied in a whisper quieter than mine.

“So much. You have no idea.”

“Ashton,” Hadley took a deep breath and backed away a bit. “You have to prove it to me this time. This is your last chance. I’ve given you way too many.”

“I swear to God that I won’t mess it up this time.” I nodded and wiped the tears from Hadley’s eyes, causing her black makeup to be smeared all over her face. I laughed softly to lighten the mood and wiped the make up away.


I couldn’t believe it. Ashton had actually flown all the way from Los Angeles to come to Australia just to apologize to me. That really clicked in my mind. If he wanted me just for sex or whoever, he wouldn’t have done this. He was special. He no longer seemed like the typical teenage boy. He meant so much more. I couldn’t keep trying to distance myself from him. I needed him, and he needed me. He was the one person that I felt like I could trust. He knew my secrets and I knew his. 

Ashton ignited some type of spark in me that caused my world to light up again. Being away from him was like a moonless night. There were the moments that you’d be able to see into the distance, but it was difficult. He meant more to me than I had ever thought possible. And the thing that killed me was, I knew he’d have to go back to California again. I had just gotten him back. I didn’t want to lose him again.

I glanced at the clock, informing me that it was three in the morning. Fuck jet lag. I still wasn’t used to being home in Sydney. I glanced to my left and there laid a sleeping Ashton. His chest rose slowly with each breath he took, causing him to have a light snore. His curls were glued to his face by a light sweat. 

I nudged my way to his side and rested my head on his chest.

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