Chapter 1: Luna Allen

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*Hi! A few things I wanna say. I know alot of you really seem to like this story and well since my depression has hit rock bottom and my writers block is a piece of shit and since this story is shit to me, I thought i'd fix this story and make it better. I'm not exactly sure how since I haven't been in the Flash fandom in a while. I'm currently in the Marvel/Supernatural/Umbrella Academy/Lucifer Fandom right now so i'm sorry if it takes a long time for me to re-edit a finished story but please bare with me. Once again, triggers are included because i'm a depressed little shit. So please enjoy this new story and I promise a 2nd book will come out and maybe we'll base it off of Dc's Legends of tomorrow. How does that sound? But enjoy!*

(Luna's Pov)

Ya know you what it's like growing up and not only having your mom being murdered and having your father framed for it? But losing the only person you trusted and spent your whole life with? fucking hurts...

Sorry, I should probably introduce myself, the name is Luna Allen and I am the younger sister of Barry Allen. I am 20 years old living in STAR City with my older brother and I guess you can say Adoptive parent and sister Iris and Joe West...I've been living with them since I was 8.

I have long brown hair and bright hazel/green eyes. I like read, write, listen to music, sing, my job and Nature. Growing up wasn't the best, I mean my mother was murdered and my dad went to jail for it when I know he did nothing wrong...

My father loved my mother and they were the only people who ever truly loved and cared about me...I mean I know Barry and Joe do but not like mom and dad did and now they're both gone...and I have nothing...I am now nothing...

Before my dad got sent to jail, he told me and Barry to stick together and we did...everyday and everynight we were together and we told each other everything...when I sad, I went to Barry, when I had nightmares, I went to Barry...anything that happened, I always went to Barry...

Hell I even stuck up for him in school when he was being bullied by Tony fricken Woodward...he was Barry's bully in school and well I never had friends and I always stuck by Barry and because I was good and protective little sister, I always stuck up for my older brother and after that Tony left Barry alone and bullied me instead...Yea I got beaten and close to being sent to the hospital but it was didn't matter...I don't matter...

Then, once we grew up, Barry worked for CCPD with Joe and at STAR Labs with his new friends, he's always out with Iris aka his crush who he's in love with and me? Well I have nothing...and no one...I work at Jitters, stay in my room and sometimes hang with Joe...I don't have friends, I never had a boyfriend, nor a one...

I started working at Jitters when I was 18, it's great really. It's better than sitting at home and doing noting...but everytime I see Barry and his friends hangout it makes jealous, angry and sad because he's just having so much fun and doesn't have a care in the world while I'm suffering in silence and no notices or cares...

Joe knew how hard life has been and suggested for me to see a doctor which they diagnosed me with Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, PTSD and Selective when I sleep I get nightmares and they're so bad that I wake up and have panic attacks and it hurts a lot...Joe knows about them but he already stresses enough about work that I don't want to worry him anymore...

So because of that, when I was 13, I started to self-harm...It was the only way I could cope and take away my pain...of course I told no one because why bother? I tried stopping and tried getting better but my brain is fucked up...It's just too much to bare...and I have no idea what to do...

I don't tell anyone anything anymore...not Barry, not Iris or Joe...I bottle up everything, cry myself to sleep, wake up in nightmares, hurt myself to make me feel better...Scars etch my skin and yet I hide it all between a smile and I'm fine and no one notices anything...scary what smiles can hide huh?

(800 Words)

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